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Strengthening weak soils by silication

Как надежный способ укрепления непрочных грунтов в строительстве успешно применяется метод силикатизации. Данный способ можно использовать как под уже возведенными фундаментами, так и под еще строящимися зданиями. Наиболее часто сфера применения этого способа распространяется на почву с высоким содержанием песка, где коэффициент фильтрации исчисляется 0,5 – 80 м/сут. Также силикатизация может применяться и на лессовых просадочных почвах, характеризующихся коэффициентом фильтрации в 0,2 – 2,0 м/сут.

Сама суть указанного метода заключается в достижении окаменения грунта при помощи специального химического вещества. После заливания гелеобразного раствора в обозначенном месте происходит его постепенное затвердевание, в результате чего получается плотная структура грунта. Укрепленная таким образом почва не поддается воздействию воды и способна выдержать большие нагрузки.

В чем заключается процесс силикатизации?

Для связки мелких компонентов грунта используют специальное вещество, обладающее способностью склеивать их. После приготовления вещества в нужном объеме его закачивают в грунт через подготовленные заранее отверстия либо через пробуренную скважину.

В зависимости от вида грунта и способа внедрения состава отличают два способа силикатизации.


Этот способ используется в почве с содержанием мелко и среднезернистого песка, коэффициент фильтрации которого колеблется от 0,5 до 20 м/сут. При этом способе раствор вводится в виде единого вещества, в результате чего прочность грунта во много раз улучшается.


Данный способ заключается в последовательном введении в грунт сначала жидкого стекла, а затем хлористого кальция. В результате химической реакции, происходящей непосредственно в почве, образуется гель кремниевой кислоты. Вначале затвердевание происходит в течение первых 24 часов очень интенсивно, затем несколько снижается. Полностью почва затвердевает по истечении 3 месяцев, повторяя процесс естественного образования песчаников. Показатель прочности грунта на сжатие при этом достигает до 4-5 МПа.

Главные особенности метода

Как и любой другой вид строительной деятельности, способ силикатизации имеет определенные плюсы и минусы. К неоспоримым достоинствам этого метода относят:

- возможность использования несложного оборудования, которое предполагает отсутствие специальной техники;
- существенное улучшение качества грунта;
- достаточно большой радиус закрепления грунтов относительно скважины – до одного метра.

Если говорить о недостатках этого способа, то их значительно меньше, однако они имеют все-таки некоторое значение, а именно:

- дороговизна химических компонентов;
- достаточно длительный процесс затвердевания.

В каких случаях рекомендована силикатизация?

Как уже было сказано, укрепленные при помощи такого метода грунты обладают водонепроницаемыми свойствами, поэтому не поддаются вымыванию. В связи с этим наиболее оптимальной силикатизация является при возведении гидротехнических сооружений. Кроме этого, данный способ хорош и при укреплении выработанных грунтов, а также для уплотнения лессовых почв. Здания, построенные на грунтах с таким укреплением, не будут подвержены просадкам и кренам.

Для того чтобы все-таки несколько уменьшить затратную часть данной технологии, современные разработчики предложили несколько видоизмененный способ укрепления грунтов. Метод Граундтек deep Lifting предусматривает введение другого состава геополимерного типа. Закачивая его в пустоты и поры грунта, можно добиться отличного эффекта, в результате основание не будет проседать. Таким методом на данный момент уже пользуются строители в более чем 80 странах мира.

Published: Dec. 19, 2016 by author Groundtek

20 сomments


Vinogradov Leonid· Dec. 23, 2016

And how to make sure?Is there a confirmation technique for achieving the desired effect?

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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 23, 2016

Either the cores are taken a new base and are examined in the laboratory or monitor the status of the time structures.


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Knjazeva Alla· Dec. 22, 2019

Based on the article, silication has a long hardening process, in this case the question of the following nature, how can this technology can be applied to hydrotechnical objects, will the water won't wash the liquid glass?

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 22, 2019

Any project is developed in a specialized organization, which is obliged to explore the hydrological conditions before developing the project.And such a factor is one of the key in developing a solution.


Kljuev Artem· Dec. 21, 2016

How much is this method of environmental?Will he harm man and soil?

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 21, 2016

The theory should be inert material, which should be neutral to the environment.In practice, each contractor is competent in choosing materials for work.


Vinokurov Miron· Dec. 22, 2021

And how the material behaves, after a long time after downloading it into the ground.Are there any changes in the strength characteristics of the material?

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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 22, 2021

Theoretically, the final stage should get a dense inert material, according to the properties similar to the glass.But taking into account the fact that the process goes hidden, to predict what to get in the final is quite problematic.


Fedosov Dmitrij· Dec. 25, 2021

We have done silication ... The whole yard in this silication, destroyed the whole landscape design, frozen three weeks, and for two weeks stretched out this process.

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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 25, 2021

Unfortunately, yes, the classic methods have not listed change in terms of convenience for the consumer.We have to put up with many shortcomings when using the "grandfathers" methods for solving issues of drawings and cracks of buildings and structures.This is the case when the solution requires after one more decision, but another task is.


Artamonov Matvej· Dec. 28, 2021

In the central part of Russia, there are few sandy soils, mainly at rivers, and use it in clays and loams, where it does not work, and people can not understand why they gave money.

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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 28, 2021

In this case, everything is "transparent" - people give their money for the material that is placed in the ground without understanding whether he will work and without understanding even after work - whether he worked.When the GroundTek works, the result is guaranteed and check.


Vdovina Olesja· Dec. 21, 2016

If I understand correctly, your material is more efficient and cheaper than one-component chemical material!?

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 21, 2016

One-component chemical material is too general definition.It is necessary to determine what exactly it is also a question so that you can spend a correct comparison.


Ovsjannikova Tamara· Dec. 19, 2019

How time is it necessary after working with silication and GroundTek in order to exploit the building again.

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 19, 2019

With the works of CHRANDACE, the building (object) may generally not be output.On silication, it is difficult to say about silicatization "from and to" to say, as it depends on the specific primer conditions and a particular mixture of the projected solution.


Kolesnikov Jaroslav· Dec. 21, 2020

And which strengthening radius has your method relative to one well?

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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 21, 2020

The radius of the effect from one well reaches up to 2 meters.


Sofronov Vitalij· Dec. 28, 2021

So what is the essential difference between silication and cementation?

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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 28, 2021

The method of cementation is applicable to securing soils, the size of the pores of which provide free penetration of cement particles.If this is not possible, it is used to use silication.But, of course, the type of soil for processing is of paramount importance.


Subbotina Anastasija· Dec. 24, 2020

But such a question, I heard that they have a special check valve on their systems, due to which, when a full-fledged increase is reached, the material is returned to the tank, so they save consumption, and there is something similar in the technology of grained, well, or how itDo you have?

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 24, 2020

That is unnecessary.The material is spent precisely in the amount in which it is necessary to implement the project.In this benefit of working with grained.The cost of the project is almost always contract.


Vishnevskij Vitalij· Dec. 26, 2019

And somehow you can guarantee the effect?How to prove effectiveness after silication?

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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 26, 2019

The only thing that can be proved immediately (or after a certain time) is that the material grabbed and scored strength.For this, core are cut and transmitted to the laboratory for testing.But the question helped the decision to immediately prove it is impossible and only time and post-project monitoring will be the success currency


Troshina Svetlana· Dec. 26, 2017

With all its disadvantages, silication is one of the most economical forms of soil strengthening, another question that this savings are not always correctly calculated, and there are situations when not to savings.

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 26, 2017

Of course, any technology should be treated and compared.Each solution has its own scope and somewhere one technology is more expensive, and somewhere not applicable at all ...


Ageeva Svetlana· Dec. 24, 2020

And with the help of silication, you can lift a part or all the building?For example, if the angle of the house asked and it is necessary that when strengthening the soil, the crack closed up!It is possible to do this with other technologies without resorting to your method!?

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 24, 2020

When silicating, it is not possible to raise the structure.The material does not have expansion properties.Traditional methods do not allow it to do.


Odintsov Miron· Dec. 24, 2018

Good day!Sorry, but how to determine which method (cementization, silication or this new technology) is needed by my house?Does this specialist determine?

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 24, 2018

Our experts can determine whether our technologies are applicable in exactly your case.If the question is about the development of proposals with different technologies, then you need to contact a design organization with a request for examination and develop multiple solutions for analysis and choice


Judin Georgij· Dec. 25, 2021

Good afternoon, silication is applicable mainly in sandy soils, your materials are tied to the type of soil?

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 25, 2021

There is no broad sense, but certainly miracles do not have certain restrictions on applicability.The main thing is that the framework themselves is much wider than they have traditional reclamation methods


Rudnev Georgij· Dec. 21, 2017

Such a technology ... In the country area, you will not make sure ... too many scientists need to fit ... :)))

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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 21, 2017

You are right in that part that the engineers should work on such a project, not to mention the team of technicians to work with special equipment and caustic materials


Nikol'skij Anatolij· Dec. 21, 2019

Regarding Silicatization - Stavropol Territory, leslasty subsidence.5 years ago, silication was performed, the building stabilized.Last year began to crack again.Performed static sensing - geologists say that silication is blurred with groundwater - it is almost no .... can it be?Your technology and material also blurs?

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 21, 2019

No, our material washing up is not exposed because it grasps almost instantly, after injection


Korotkov Aleksandr· Dec. 21, 2020

How does your material work in the frozen earth?Or you do not work in winter?

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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 21, 2020

There is little in the murzly earth that it works ... However, if the processing zone lies below the level of the freezing, then it is quite possible to work and help


Dubrovin Georgij· Dec. 21, 2021

For 20 years of practice in a construction site ... In addition to cement and concrete, I have not met methods ...

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 21, 2021

Silication is not applied to conditionally small objects.Such projects create engineers from project organizations or institutions

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