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Strengthening and strengthening foundations, floor leveling geopolymers of grained

Трещины в полу и стенах частных домов могут возникать из-за просадки фундамента, которая возникает вследствие ослабления грунта основания сооружения. Чтобы устранить трещины, необходимо, прежде всего, ликвидировать причину их возникновения, то есть усилить грунт и поднять фундамент на проектный уровень. Сделать это проще всего с использованием технологий геополимерного инъектирования Граундтек.

Office building new subsidence Groundtek

Стабильность состояния частного дома зависит, в том числе, и от состояния грунта, на котором построено сооружение. Дело в том, что фундамент дома оказывает давление на грунт и может испытывать постепенную осадку. Когда осадка не превышает допустимого предела, дом сохраняет стабильное состояние. Если же осадка фундамента больше допустимой, а также в случаях, когда значения осадки разных участков фундамента отличаются, то есть возникает просадка, необходимо исправить ситуацию.

При возникновении просадок фундамента появляется опасность повреждения пола, несущих и ненесущих стен, перекрытии и перегородок. Кроме трещин в этих конструкциях, возможен перекос и повреждение дверных и оконных проемов, поломка инженерных коммуникаций и т.д. В подобных случаях простое заделывание трещин в полу и стенах здания не даст результатов, поскольку не устранена причина их возникновения, которая зачастую кроется в ослаблении грунта основания сооружения.

Ослабление грунта может быть вызвано недобросовестным отношением к строительству, когда грунт основания не был уплотнен в достаточной степени. Бывают и аварийные ситуации, когда свойства грунта изменяются из-за прорыва водопровода, канализации либо подземных резервуаров. Ослабить грунт может и изменения уровня грунтовых вод.

Усиление грунта и стабилизация фундамента

Традиционно для выполнения операций по усилению грунта основания и подъему фундамента дома необходимо было привлекать к работам тяжелую строительную технику. Дом нужно было отселять на время ремонта, а для доступа к фундаменту приходилось вести серьезные земляные работы. В этом случае весь цикл работ по усилению грунта и укреплению фундамента занимал около 1-1,5 месяцев.

Groundtek, Groundtek injection

Сегодня, благодаря использованию методов геополимерного инъектирования Граундтек, усилить грунт и поднять фундамент на проектный уровень можно всего за 2-3 дня. При этом дом не только не нужно ставить дом на капитальный ремонт, но и нет надобности в отселении жильцов. Все работы по инъектированию геополимерами проводятся на поверхности по периметру здания или во внутренних помещениях дома без привлечения тяжелой строительной техники.

Геополимерное инъектирование

Для устранения трещин в полу и в стенах частных домов применяют два метода геополимерного инъектирования Граундтек. Метод Deep Lifting позволяет поднять фундамент и усилить грунт на значительной глубине, а метод Floor Lifting дает возможность выполнить подъем бетонных плит пола нижнего этажа за счет инъектирования геополимерных смол непосредственно под бетон – в пространство между плитой и грунтом.

Traditional solutions

После выполнения инъекций геополимерные смолы быстро расширяются, заполняют все пустоты, усиливают грунт и формируют вертикально направленное давление. Они структурируются и затвердевают всего за 15 минут. При инъектировании в чрезмерно влажные грунты, геополимеры вытесняют влагу, усиливают грунт и не вступают в контакт с водой.

Подъем конструкций и процесс устранения трещин контролируется во время выполнения работ с помощью лазерных уровней, погрешность измерения которых составляет до ±1 мм. Инъектирование выполняется через технологические скважины диаметром 8-16 мм, которые бурятся в грунте вокруг здания или в бетонном полу нижнего этажа.

Published: March 13, 2019 by author Groundtek

21 сomments


Romanov Pavel· June 16, 2020

And at your work, too, the flooring should be changed?Tile?Tile?Parquet?How to be in such cases?

6 thumb_up


Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) June 16, 2020

Our method is most gentle even in the presence of a fragile floor covering.For minimization of the consequences of the interventions of the GrUNDTEK, it is performed on a special injecting grid, which teaches the flooring and location of critical damage.Also, in addition, a certain injection material is selected in order to reduce the number of required holes and, finally, the injecting packer is selected with a diameter of 6 to 8 mm, which, in general, does not even leave visible traces of work.


Grishin Matvej· March 19, 2020

Your material like concrete displaces the ground, filling it with this volume, or how does it work differently?

4 thumb_up


Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) March 19, 2020

The GroundTek material behaves differently depending on the type of soil.If the soil is bulk (for example, sand), then the material impregnates it, binds the disinteging water and forms a durable geomassolution.If the soils are connected (for example, the clay), the material penetrates into weak layers, replacing them and enjoyed density and adjusting to the surrounding conditions.In both embodiments, the material increases the carrying capacity of the soils and solves the problem of drawdown.


Tarasova Galina· April 24, 2020

Hello, and if the design, as a result of the drawdown and the formation of cracks, received a lateral movement, as followed by the rise, will the construction of even big problems get a constructive problem?

9 thumb_up


Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) April 24, 2020

This question will answer the survey stage.Often it turns out to return the design to the place, but of course not always.It all depends on the state of the structures, from the state of the base and on which damage is there be.The question is solved, but a qualitative diagnosis is important.


Ponomarev Miron· March 14, 2020

What is the service life of the material in the soil?

6 thumb_up


Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) March 14, 2020

The current practice of application shows that service life of more than 40 years (technologies are applied since the 1980s), and current laboratory studies in the accelerated aging test claim that these deadlines are over 100 years.


Markov Artem· June 16, 2019

Is your material not harmful to health?Still, under the house it is swing and then live with him.

2 thumb_up


Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) June 16, 2019

Materials are tested and qualified as environmentally neutral in many world laboratories.There is even admission to work when contacting drinking water.


Chumakova Natalija· June 22, 2019

Are all cracks can be closed by this method?

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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) June 22, 2019

Unfortunately, there is not all, but everyone can fight and succeed.Vertical cracks can only be sewed.Horizontal and diagonal can be tried to close with the lifting of structures, but first of all - examination.


Beljakov Artem· April 15, 2021

After closing cracks, they will no longer reveal?

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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) April 15, 2021

If you comply with the norms of the operation of buildings and structures, there will be no greater disclosure of the crack.However, for the guidance of "beauty", additional surface treatment may be needed.


Kuzina Tamara· March 28, 2019

How to deal with cracks that got so saying "protrusion", that is, as if the wall pissed out and she cracked?

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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) March 28, 2019

They can also be sewn, but here to return to the opposite position will require additional efforts and means.Including frequency work.


Rozanova Marija· Nov. 13, 2021

Does it make sense to do something with the house and soils if the cracks appeared sharply, for a long time, about 5 years ago and after that they do not progress?

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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Nov. 13, 2021

Definitely it is worth a survey and determine the potential and status of these cracks.It will be the minimum necessary investment of funds in any embodiment of the situation.


Judina Alla· May 13, 2019

Is always cracks on the wall appear due to the foundation drawdown?

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) May 13, 2019

No not always.But when compliance with construction technologies during the construction of the building, it can be said that it is very likely that cracks are a consequence of uneven foundation.


Vlasov Artem· Oct. 20, 2020

Good day!I bought a ready-made house when I removed the wallpaper discovered cracks.About the foundation, soil, and what the house is built, I do not know.Can you help me?

6 thumb_up


Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 20, 2020

Yes, but for a start, it is necessary to conduct a survey and clarify the necessary data to develop a solution.And most importantly - to determine, and whether there is a reason for excitement.


Kovaleva Nadezhda· Sept. 28, 2020

And if the crack went from the roof itself?Can you help you too?

6 thumb_up


Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Sept. 28, 2020

It is necessary to conduct a survey and determine the presence and location of factors affecting the supporting structures.Therefore, just the location of the position of the crack or damage does not carry diagnostic information about the situation.


Zhukov Ruslan· July 26, 2020

They write a lot about the repair and elimination of cracks in the walls, some recommend filling the crack with tile glue, it is cheap and fast!What do you think about this method of repairing cracks?

7 thumb_up


Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) July 26, 2020

The glue is not able to keep the entire design in solid state.If he is in force to bore the crack, and the reason for this crack is not detected and not eliminated, then the new crack will upset you soon.


Markov Boris· Oct. 25, 2019

After what time after your work, you can proceed to finishing at home?Is there a guarantee that the lights will not go again

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 25, 2019

The recommended period is 1 month after work.The warranty for the absence of precipitation depends on the solution that was applied, because our company gives the client to choose a few solutions with different options at cost and guarantees.Up to warranty for 60 years


Lukin Boris· July 15, 2020

What cracks can be considered critical?When should pay attention?

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) July 15, 2020

Cracks that have developed should be the cause of the proceedings


Zimin Georgij· April 17, 2020

Are you faced with situations when the owner of the house ignored the formation of cracks and the house received a collapse?

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) April 17, 2020

There was a situation when, the house continued to collapse, because of not the willingness to implement a recovery project.We hope until the full wedding case did not reach


Parfenova Olesja· Aug. 27, 2019

I watch the floor you almost do not damage when working?Do not necessarily redo everything?

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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Aug. 27, 2019

It all depends on the scale of the problem.If the question is only in the surface layer of the soil (or at all in emptiness under the stove), then yes, you can make minimal holes for injection without having to dismantle the finish coating


Sotnikov Artem· Nov. 26, 2021

Are there any insects in your material?

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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Nov. 26, 2021

No, our material is not suitable as an environment for breeding bacteria, but does not harm the environment and does not interact with it


Basova Anzhelika· March 15, 2020

Cracks themselves this material can be injected?

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) March 15, 2020

You can bind cracks with special compositions.This is a separate type of work.


Kirillov Georgij· Aug. 21, 2021

Is this any foundation you can raise?Existing and under load?

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Aug. 21, 2021

Theoretically, yes, but the question is always in the ability of the structure to perceive vertical pressure.There are many factors of interfering designs to align


Kolpakova Tamara· Dec. 22, 2020

Hello, sediment is seeded kitchen 6 p.m.Sediment 2 cm, how much will it cost?

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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 22, 2020

It is necessary to check the base and determine the current position of the surfaces.Call specialists :))) Such a measure will pass for 1 day