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Fundamental approach to stopping the development of cracks in building structures

In this article, we will describe in detail the reasons for the formation and development of cracks in the houses on the walls and foundations of buildings and structures, as well as their strengthening methods in the wall (on the walls, in the walls). Cracks in the walls are a fairly common problem with which owners of private houses and commercial structures are faced. It seems to many that this problem will never be touched by, nevertheless, it may even arise in new homes. Finding even small cracks, for example, during the change of wallpaper or repair, it is worth it to immediately determine the reason for their occurrence. This will prevent the further spread of cracks, which will retain the external and internal plane from destruction.

Methods for sealing cracks in a brick (stone) wall depend on the cause of their occurrence, which must be defined in the first place.If it does not detect the cause and hide cracks using cosmetic repair, then in the future you can face more serious problems that will suffer from large financial waste.To eliminate cracks in the house qualitatively, it is required to perform an object audit and determine the causes of their occurrence.


Causes of cracks

The most common cause of cracks in the walls of the house is an uneven shrinkage or a soil shift under the foundation.Such a situation may arise for three reasons:

  • Ошибки при строительстве или расчётах.

  • Нестойкие грунты.

  • Малая глубина фундамента.

A very important role in construction is a primer basis on which the house is erected.Very often in garden partnerships forbade build houses above one floor and do it not in vain, because if there are unstable soils in the territory, the big load will entail their offset, and the building will come to the emergency condition.

To other reasons, cracks can be attributed:

  • Сильный уклон местности.

  • Негативное влияние окружающей среды, а именно грунтовых вод или подземных рек на фундамент.

  • Разрушение фундамента от времени.

  • Использование при строительстве некачественных материалов.

  • Неверный выбор типа фундамента.

It is worth remembering that even when the smallest cracks occur, it is worth producing an object.The fact is that the cracks in the foundation can be invisible to the naked eye, but they are able to bring the building to the emergency.


Classic Classic Repair Methods in Walls

Strengthening cracks in brick walls with their own hands (brick, gas-silicate, concrete, butt, carrier) is possible only if there are no problems with the foundation of the building.If they are, it will have to take advantage of the help of specialists not to aggravate the situation.

Cracks in the walls, depending on the cause of their occurrence and size, can be reinforced in various ways:

  • Проведение легкого косметического ремонта используется для маленьких трещин, которые не несут опасности для дома.

  • Перемычки или металлическое армирование используют для больших трещин на монолитных стенах. Для кирпичной кладки данный метод не используется, так как повлечет дальнейшее растрескивание стены.

  • Большие трещины заделывают путем иньектирования специализированных растворов или цементации.


Liquidation of cracks on technology Граундтек

The process of sealing cracks in the foundations of buildings (tape, slab, columnar, concrete, brick), as well as walls of the house, can be performed using modern technology Граундтек. This technology is carried out in total in 3 stages:

After performing the work, you can proceed to cosmetic repairs and sealing small cracks if they remained in the walls.Polymer Граундтек has a long service life - more than 50 years, as well as it is completely safe for the environment and person.This material is the most modern today and allows you to quickly enhance cracks, without land and stop the operation of the building.

On our site you can order a consultation of a specialist and learn how to solve the problem with cracks in the walls of your own home or a commercial building.

Published: March 26, 2019 by author Groundtek

24 сomments


Vishnevskaja Anzhelika· Oct. 28, 2019

And what will happen if not to strengthen the base, but rely on the distribution of tension on the associated designs?That is, only use fittings or metal designs?

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 28, 2019

In this case, there is a risk of further development of cracks, since the reason for the appearance of cracks is not eliminated.


Korol'kov Anatolij· June 26, 2019

I would like to clarify what to do in cases where the formation of cracks is associated with a seasonal freezing of soils, that is, the so-called ground powder effect?

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) June 26, 2019

In such situations, it is necessary to deal with the presence of water in the ground, since it is its temperature expansion and causes the effect of a sheep.After that, it will be clear what technology to use to solve.


Tret'jakov Ruslan· May 27, 2020

Why strengthen cracks?

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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) May 27, 2020

Cracks to strengthen it is worth stopping further destruction of structures, since when forming cracks, the design ceases to be holistic and increases the number of risk factors.


Terehov Artem· Oct. 28, 2021

Is it possible not to worry about the crack in the wall, if for 3 years, does not happen further disclosure?And is it possible in this case, simply eliminate it with cosmetic repair?

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 28, 2021

If the cracks appeared, the design has already lost the integrity and will move due to changes in the humidity and temperature regime in the environment, that is, having spent the decorative finish you will eventually see cracks on it.Because if you want to comfortably exploit your object without losing in its cost, it is recommended to solve the problem without tightening.


Osipov Artem· July 26, 2021

I bought a house with cracks on the wall, my workers stuck everything, but no absolutely!You have to love every year, naturally, the normal facade I only dream ...

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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) July 26, 2021

Your calm dream is real.It is just necessary to figure out why cracks (conducting a survey) and then eliminate the cause of "above the earth or underground".And only then forget about regular cracking of cracks.


Shestakova Tamara· Sept. 28, 2019

Is there a need for an additional strengthening of the building design after the work of the method of ultrasound?

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Sept. 28, 2019

If you do not bother the presence of cracks, then no.If you do not want to worry about the time dynamics due to temperature and moisture fluctuations, then we recommend that you carry out an additional power strengthening of cracks.


Somova Natalija· Oct. 28, 2021

And the channel to pull everything is not easier?

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 28, 2021

Of course, it is simpler, only this will cause additional harm if it is done outside (since the temperature and humidity regime affects different materials).If this is done inside, it does not aesthetically eaten space, as well as in the long run, it contributes to the further destruction of the structures, since the fasteners will be collapsed due to the difference in the behavior of the outer and fixing structures.


Miheeva Anzhelika· July 28, 2020

Mascaze and sewing cracks are not the same thing?

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) July 28, 2020

No, this is not the same thing.The smelting is a banal cracking of the crack with a decorative layer of finishing material.That is, this is the realization of the goal of "Hide from the eye."The problem remains and at the first humid and climatic fluctuations, it will appear again to your eyes.That is, it is not even a temporary solution, it is a purely psychological trick.The sewing is already an attempt to intervene in the essence of the consequences, but alas without eliminating the cause of the appearance of a crack result will be the same.


Troshina Zhanna· April 26, 2019

And I saw on YouTube how to repair cracks with tiled glue.
It is necessary to squeeze the crack, clean it and fill with tiled glue!
Said what should hold on.
And what do you think about this, can such a way to help solve cracks?
I like that this method is very cheap !!!

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) April 26, 2019

Glue tiled it is because it is called tile, which is able to withstand the tile but not more.If the crack in the wall then the hypothetical glue must withstand the whole part of the house design, which broke.Is it capable of this tile glue?


Blohina Natalija· May 27, 2019

If the house gave a crack, then it is easier to sell it and not to fool his head with repairs!
From my own experience, already 10 years old with cracks are fighting and no sense

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) May 27, 2019

With cracks to sell this risk event.Firstly, it costs much less with cracks, and secondly, according to the legislation, sanctions can be applied to you as the seller of poor-quality goods.With cracks can be effectively fighting, you just need to know those who can and is responsible for it.


Demidov Matvej· April 28, 2020

In the neighbor, by the way, I made a firing fracture with ribbons with metal, and they all grow and grow, here it was not so long ago I came to advise for a brandy yes a kebab, I said that I chose the Gradectk Technology to strengthen the soils, the guys did a survey and revealed the problem, I will write a review, helpedOr not, as a neighbor house sells.

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) April 28, 2020

The fight against the consequences without a struggle causes only to spend money, with something regular.Moral inconvenience is difficult to assess and calculate, can only in units of time spent on the struggle.


Aleksandrov Jaroslav· Nov. 26, 2019

Is it possible to close the cracks in the winter wall?

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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Nov. 26, 2019

The temperature of the medium should not be lower than +5 degrees Celsius, therefore it is possible to reinforce the design from the inside of the building, but you can only sew the crack of alas only outside.


Fomicheva Marija· May 28, 2019

Hello !How to know the reason for the appearance of cracks?It depends on who will pay for their elimination.Can your experts can indicate the cause of cracks when auditing?

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) May 28, 2019

Our specialists can find the cause and localize it.Establish the guilty difficult and ungrateful event.In most cases, the reason and the consequence of time and to link someone's activities with the presence of a cause can only be conditionally with reservations.


Ovsjannikov Pavel· Aug. 28, 2020

Why not do nothing?

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Aug. 28, 2020

This unequivocally increases the risks and accumulates the problems that are avalanche-like at a certain point.The fact is that such damage is very rarely developing smoothly and on a little bit.Most often there is a stress accumulation in the designs and then the sharp discharge


Klimov Jaroslav· May 28, 2020

Can the absence of Armopoyas affect the development of cracks?

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) May 28, 2020

Of course, Aropoyas is aligning the burden on the design.If it is not, then the load camshal is incorrect and concentrated in certain places, where the crack will appear


Serebrjakov Vitalij· Dec. 27, 2021

How long does the object examination occupy?And how much time does the gain occupy?

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 27, 2021

Everything definitely depends on the scale of the problem and the task.However, if you take an average temperature in the hospital, then the mechanical examination takes from 1 to 3 days, and the works themselves from 3 to 5 days, if we are talking about the private sector


Ryzhov Ruslan· May 26, 2020

Is there a guarantee on your work?

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) May 26, 2020

Undoubtedly.Warranty on the quality of work and materials can be offered up to 60 years


Bogomolov Miron· Oct. 27, 2020

After work, can you close the cracks with decorative material?

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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 27, 2020

This is not our specialization, but we can recommend our partners in general construction work.


Kornev Ivan· April 28, 2019

The reason to eliminate is certainly put on the textbook, but it is so tempting simply by epoxy or cement to smell the crack ...

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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) April 28, 2019

Yes, the nature of man is not eliminated.Often, even simply understand and make a plan, not to mention the financial plan for solving the issue is a predicising exercise.


Suharev Anatolij· Sept. 26, 2020

How to understand whether cracks are carrying the danger or it simply affects the appearance.Thank you

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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Sept. 26, 2020

Option A: Test 2D Lighthouses and regularly monitor, option B: Regularly carry out a geodesic shooting, option in: Protecting soils.That is, in any case, only a survey for actual quantitative data will give you an answer.


Suharev Miron· April 28, 2020

Material of grained and can be helped with poor-quality materials?For example, the builders on the brand of concrete saved and he began to collapse?

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) April 28, 2020

Unfortunately, in this case there is no.However, you need to be definitely convinced that this is the only reason for deformations.


Cherepanova Oksana· March 27, 2020

So, if you just "smear" the crack ... how long is this?

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) March 27, 2020

This is enough to the nearest season shift


Nekrasov Jaroslav· June 27, 2019

At the initial stage of construction, for some reason no one seriously thinks about the basis of the house.As a result, everything flies in Tar Tarara!Your technology is suitable for all types of foundations?

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) June 27, 2019

Yes, suitable for all types of foundations.But of course there are limitations and requirements for correct use.


Ignat'ev Ruslan· Aug. 28, 2021

Tell me if there are cracks on the walls, and they are not viewed on the foundation, does it mean that the house is right, just the materials of the walls are not chosen correctly?

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Aug. 28, 2021

Not necessary.It may be that the foundation on the fact is more flexible than the walls on it are erected.It is necessary to conduct a survey and deal with the reasons for what is happening.