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Concrete work against grained.Pros and cons.
General reasons for the deformation of the foundation of the building: Strong>
Approach Граундтек to the repair of the foundation uses unique strengthening methods that are similar to high-level surgery. Earlier, as a construction organization, we used cementation, and now we use our new solution - technology Граундтек, as this is a fast and reliable alternative to concrete and pile work with the foundation. In this decision, the problems and causes of drawings and deformities of structures are eliminated by re-aligning concrete foundation plates of overlapping, tape bases, floor slabs, bonded foundations and even access pathways.
Process Strong>
First, our resin is injected into the ground under your home through tiny holes (usually 16 mm in diameter, but only 6 mm, if we are dealing with internal works).
Then the resins "Граундтек" are expanding, filling any emptiness and sealing any dispelled base to support the foundations (or other bearing structures) and align the house.
Meanwhile, huge pressure during expansion is controlled by the constantly laser equipment of the highest class for optimal results and safety:
- Трещины на стенах обычно закрываются. Тогда для кирпичной кладки может потребоваться только повторная обработка швов раствором или сшивка специальной арматурой, а для штукатурки стен может потребоваться тонкая заплатка и перекраска.
- Окна и двери обычно снова функционируют нормально.
- Зазоры между плинтусами и укрепленными полами также обычно исчезают.
Warranty Strong>
Materials were specially designed to resist the dryushka or worsening quality.Quality and features are guaranteed for more than 50 years, in strict accordance with the requirements for environmental and safety.
Strengthening methods with concrete work strong>
When it comes to the repair of the foundation, concrete works were a method of choice for many years of classical construction.Compared with traditional concrete work, the approaches underlying the Граундтек method are rapidly, cleanliness, reliability and predictability, economic efficiency and non-interference in the processes related to the operation of the asset.
Our resin injection solution provides re-alignment faster and more reliable than concrete work, which in principle can not guarantee anything.On average, we can raise your home to a level in just one or two days or within one or two weeks depending on the construction technology of the house.In addition, with the injections of the resin there is no disorder: it does not require excavations, water, cement or concrete - absolute autonomy.
It is important to note that you do not need to fully release the room.Unlike concrete work that require extensive preparatory internal work, our injection solution does not require anything like that.However, when it is necessary, tiny holes (only 6-8 mm in diameter) can be drilled between the tiles and even through the carpet coating, while the furniture usually does not need to be moved.
Our method of repairing the foundation is ideal even for clay or loess soils, solving the main problems of settlement.It provides re-alignment, improved bearing capacity and maintaining uniformity in the characteristics of the bearing layers.
In concrete work, poor ground conditions should be avoided, such as incoherent, dustless or wet soils, as well as poorly compacted frustration.The reason is that the added weight of concrete may worsen the situation.
Costs for concrete work strong>
In addition to the fact that our injection solution is more convenient, safe and reliable, it is usually more economical than the traditional concrete base, if you consider all costs.
However, the actual cost of strengthening concrete will depend on many factors, including:
If only one small angle of the house needs re-alignment, then the concrete base may be cheaper, but it will also lead to additional issues.For example, new cracks can be formed in the house, unless one part of the foundation has a concrete basis or another type of foundation, not to mention the additional weight on the base already adapted to previous loads.
In most cases, the total cost of resin injections will be lower than with other methods, in particular when concreting the foundation.
19 сomments
Gerasimov Dmitrij· Sept. 28, 2020
And what is understood in this article under concrete work?What are the approaches or techniques?
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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Sept. 28, 2020
Here are the techniques of "broadening the foundation spot" or "concrete gravy", as well as their variations.Understanding the essence of the question, this article does not concern cement and inkjet technologies.This is a separate topic for a separate article.
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Murav'ev Artem· Nov. 25, 2019
If I understand correctly, when performing work with your material, holes and, accordingly, further interference in the foundation slab is minimal compared to an alternative method when using concrete!?
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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Nov. 25, 2019
Yes, that is right.Damage is minimal.If you compare with alternatives, it is a crown of a syringe, instead of operation.In many cases, we do not even damage the tile and can work with warm floors.
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Chesnokova Nadezhda· June 21, 2020
What happens then with holes or with these tubes which remained after injection?
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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) June 21, 2020
The tubes have a one-time function and burst in the clutch material.To preserve aesthetics, they are cut and close up with decorative materials and mixtures.Materials are environmentally friendly and can easily be reused for backfill.
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Davydova Anastasija· Sept. 22, 2019
I do not understand such a thing, concrete is very strong and hard material, it is used by centuries, and what a geopolymer is I do not quite understand, rather I do not understand how it can keep multi-torrent loads.
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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Sept. 22, 2019
Material, gaining density, increases its physicomechanical properties first linearly, and from a certain moment exponentially.Everything is proven in laboratories and in practice.
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Serov Georgij· Aug. 26, 2020
How long is your work?And after what time can I already exploit the building in which work was carried out by geoplimers?
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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Aug. 26, 2020
The building can not leave and not stop exploitation.Grandtek technologies are non-invasive methods of repair and restoration work.That is, no direct intervention in the design is happening, which means the operation can continue the reserving of the project implementation.
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Il'ina Natalija· May 15, 2021
Yes, concrete at hand, and the technology is there ... how to be with it ... about the price of course talking, probably not worth it ...
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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) May 15, 2021
The price should be considered if the solution guarantees the result.In everyday life, concrete does not decide, but more often "cripping" ...
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Ermolova Alena· Aug. 26, 2021
Concrete or polymer, that's what is the question!?Everyone chooses for himself, but I am for technology.Compare the car Moskvich and BMW ... the origins of some, and what is the abyss between them !!!
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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Aug. 26, 2021
Thanks for such an allusion.Just progress is not immaterial and moral obsolescence is an objective process.
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Muratova Alla· Aug. 26, 2020
Tell me, what is the strength of the material, let's say compared with the brands of concrete?
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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Aug. 26, 2020
Resistance to compression, for example, reaches 10 MPa, which is more than enough to keep stone or concrete structures
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Luk'janova Alla· July 22, 2019
How to determine the required amount of resin for raising, for example, the corner of the house?
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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) July 22, 2019
To do this, a survey of the foundation and structures for understanding is carried out, what loads fall on the supporting structures and the base.After that, modeling and calculation of the injection scheme is underway to restore the carrying capacity and maintain the building design.
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Novikova Oksana· Aug. 25, 2019
Good afternoon!And where to see your prices?
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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Aug. 25, 2019
Each project is individual, but you can familiarize yourself with the generalized projects and costs on the link: https://worldofgroundtek.ru/tipovye-proekty-stoimost/
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Gluhova Alena· Oct. 19, 2021
How much time is the work of the polymer?In comparison with concrete?
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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 19, 2021
It is worth repelled from the concepts of setting, pouring and a set of strength ... and the whole period can take up to 28 days ... the geopolymer is typing 100% strength on the 2nd day, and 90% is gaining in half an hour after the end of the injection
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Noskova Anzhelika· Sept. 24, 2021
Well, no matter how cool ... it's still a decision, even if even the curve-oblique ...
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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Sept. 24, 2021
And there is.Any technology has its own selection criteria.In any case, the solution is better than the decision.However, it is necessary to clearly understand the decision of it in fact ...
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Cherepanova Svetlana· Oct. 27, 2020
How to understand that the material got there where it is necessary?How much is it confirmed?
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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 27, 2020
This is confirmed twice: the first proof - when the laser sensor fixes the movement of the design, the second is a re-examination and comparison of the bearing performance before and after the work
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Nesterova Anzhelika· July 16, 2019
You write that your resin is expanding in soils.Do not damage for example, sewage under the building?
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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) July 16, 2019
The location of communications networks is always taken into account when developing a project.Designers engineers develop a correct work plan to take into account such restrictions.
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Filimonov Pavel· Nov. 22, 2021
Of course, in any technology and material, there are both its advantages and cons.However, the technology of grained, if everything really is as described in the article is just fantastic!
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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Nov. 22, 2021
Thanks for the high rating.Grandtek not that fiction, but just the next stage in the development of injection technologies
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Kalugin Matvej· April 18, 2019
In which regions you can perform work?
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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) April 18, 2019
Our answer is without restrictions.The question is only the physical ability to deliver the mobile working complex (car category C) to the object.Sometimes it should be done on a helicopter
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Kuzina Oksana· May 19, 2021
Well ... while a kg of concrete is a penny, then you can guarantee that first errors are made with it, and then will be taught for help of more expensive ...
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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) May 19, 2021
It is impossible to disagree with you.The path of "errors of difficult" no one canceled :)
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Shevtsov Ivan· May 22, 2020
Good day!Do you work with multi-storey buildings?We have 9 floors
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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) May 22, 2020
Yes, the scale in this matter does not play values.Especially in the issue of proceedings in the problem situation
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Berezina Alena· April 16, 2020
Concrete is a classic.What do you replace it?
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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) April 16, 2020
Watching where.All technologies have their own scope.If there is a way to increase efficiency, then the technology is inferior to its place more progressive ...
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