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Comparative advantages of grained technologies before pile technologies

Граундтек - Base strengthening technology, lifting and leveling foundations, avoiding the movements and drawdowns of wooden, brick, stone and concrete structures.The application of Граундтек decisions in practice varies from the solution of problems of uneven precipitation and deformities of private residential buildings to solutions for warehouse and production complexes, from highways and railways to airports.Also, Граундтек can be applied in the complex of anti-band work, to correct the sedimentation of pipelines and waterproofing complex objects.

The pile technologies are not able to solve the key task - to compact and strengthen the reservoir of the ground.The use of methods Граундтек increases the efficiency of pile structures by achieving the necessary soil density to increase the lateral friction (if the pile should work as "hanging").

In some cases, the need to summarize piles, becauseThe soil layers acquire a state of "conditional monolith" and become a powerful base for the existing design.Penetrating into the smallest emptiness and binding the soil (due to the high adhesion of the material) geopolymer resins produce conditional "reinforcement" of the soil.

Pile technologies are laborious and do not guarantee 100% of the solution to the issue, since they are not able to influence the carrying capacity and reduce the degree of flooding of the grounds of the base.In the event of a summary of inclined piles under the foundation there is a high risk of their fracture and destruction.

Technologies Граундтек cross all the flaws of traditional methods and offers a unique tool that allows you to do what is not applicable to the above pile solutions.Driving on the soil layers in general, and not point, the deep injection of geopolymers avoids the deformation and destruction of the structure of the base.Unlike traditional technologies, Граундтек is able to solve the problem of increasing the bearing ability of the Luxury soils.

To introduce an object into operation, to increase the carrying capacity and investment efficiency of the construction site, stop the precipitation of buildings and vertical movements, perform a complex of anti-bands, to carry out waterproofing of the foundations - all these tasks are under the power of geopolymer resin Граундтек.

Comparison of pile technologies and technology Граундтек:

Pile Solution:

  • Сроки производства работ – от 3 до 4 недель

  • Обязательный демонтаж старых и возведение новых несущих конструкций

  • Высокий уровень шума и пыли при производстве работ

  • Требует временное замедление или полную приостановку бизнес-процессов

  • Сложные мероприятия по подготовке и мобилизации техники

  • Часто требуются проведение внутренних и внешних защитных мероприятий

  • Требует дополнительную доставку/сбор/утилизация расходных материалов

  • Требуют значительные площади для размещения оборудования, персонала и материалов, что влечёт дополнительные расходы

  • Оказывает негативное влияние и риск на стоящие в зоне работ конструкции

  • В ряде случаев требует защиты проекта в экспертизе

Solution Граундтек:

  • Гибкий график производства работ, без вмешательства в нормальный режим работы площадки

  • Экологическая эффективность и безопасность для здоровья и окружающей среды

  • Сроки выполнения работ в 2-3 раза короче, в сравнении с традиционными методами

  • Работа малыми захватками

  • Мобильность

  • Чистота проведения работ

  • Гарантированный результат

  • Средняя продолжительность проекта – 5 дней

  • Никакого вмешательства в несущую конструкцию

  • Адаптивность и гибкость на этапе проектирования

Published: June 13, 2019 by author Groundtek

20 сomments


Kopylov Leonid· July 21, 2019

I wonder why so far piles are used in the construction of houses?After all, polymers are almost everywhere.

4 thumb_up


Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) July 21, 2019

Yes, really polymer technologies are largely included in people.However, as for the pile solutions, then the question of focus.Concrete and piles are a classic that is passed and approved, and a polymer, if you look at the exhibition of concrete or metal (if we talk about metal piles), it is still a small diet in construction and should take a long time to go through the experts to reckon with himequally.Although in Europe, polymer solutions already have broader applications and have passed all sorts of tests and testing practices.


Babushkin Anatolij· Aug. 23, 2019

I am for the polymer, especially if there is a question of the repair of the house.Brother chose a strengthening of the foundation using piles, dirt and all stunned on the plot, I can not say than he was guided by choosing a method, but if you look at the video, how the grained, I would choose the polymer.

9 thumb_up


Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Aug. 23, 2019

Thank you for a high rating.We will be happy to help, but we hope you will be fine.:)


Nosov Ivan· Sept. 15, 2020

I chose piles because after buying a building site conducted a geology, geologists have developed a technical report and the recommendations indicated piles with an embezzlement of at least 6m (soils are wet).

10 thumb_up


Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Sept. 15, 2020

If engineers geologists fulfilled their work on conscience, then your solution is entirely true.


Zotova Svetlana· Aug. 26, 2020

Good afternoon, but there are cases when grained does not seem to be used, for example, the large thickness of peat?

1 thumb_up


Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Aug. 26, 2020

Of course, Groundtek is not magic.And how any technology has its own restrictions on use.Just our technologies have a wider area of application than traditional alternatives.In general, if your question is ugly, then, yes, in this case, only piles to the "mainland" will help.However, if not be lazy and thoroughly explore the basis, you can find a true or suitable solution.Peat peats Return.


D'jakov Ivan· Aug. 21, 2021

If the house stands on the slope, what will be more effective for strengthening the foundation?

7 thumb_up


Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Aug. 21, 2021

Only a competent examination and analysis of the data obtained may be answered.Everything is important: the reason, ground conditions, dynamics, design, seasonality, ...


Kozyrev Jaroslav· Sept. 15, 2019

This is two different technologies and in my opinion they should not be put in one column comparative table!)
Pile is like one of the options for the foundation base, and GrUNDTEK technology, correct me if I am mistaken, it is already like resuscitation for the foundation, after the negligent "charlatan builders" spent their work!

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Sept. 15, 2019

Not certainly in that way.Pile can carry out repair work with the foundation.There are different approaches ... and re-put on new piles, and make sequential piles, and make a new foundation completely ... There are always options ...


Gorohova Anzhelika· Aug. 17, 2020

This is how it seems to be late such an approach ... The piles are different ... Everything is true from the engineering and permitting point of view, but on the organization of work, everything can be compact ... Pravda, this technique, of course, is not cheap ...

6 thumb_up


Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Aug. 17, 2020

Of course, even pile technologies have their graduation, and each has its own characteristics.The purpose of the article is to encourage the project as a whole, and not one criterion for the value of materials for the work.


Somova Oksana· June 26, 2020

What guarantee on your work?

8 thumb_up


Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) June 26, 2020

The warranty varies from the case.Standard 5 years, but you can prolong it up to 60 years.


Rakova Alena· Aug. 22, 2020

I looked at the site, you also have piles, really somewhat not standard, and what is their fundamental difference?

6 thumb_up


Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Aug. 22, 2020

Piles of grained methods are formed from the inside ... by filling the billet from Kevlar by polymer material.It turns out the pinched pupil perfectly working on compression and having the advantages of increased lateral friction.


Noskov Pavel· Nov. 26, 2021

With a very large thicker of poor soil, about 12 meters, your method is really used

3 thumb_up


Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Nov. 26, 2021

Is this a question?If the question is, the answer is yes, really


Shul'gina Alla· Dec. 18, 2021

Tell me the house of 85, the foundation Zh \ B plates are bundled at 1.5 meters.A puddle is formed in the basement.Is it critical or this foundation is reliable and do not worry?

5 thumb_up


Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 18, 2021

If the deformations in the house were not detected after the visual examination, the puddle is a provoking factor in potential problems, because if it is not possible to conduct a tool examination of structures and grounds, then you can organize a building status monitoring with fixation of changes and a delayed solution on a potential problem.


Naumova Nadezhda· Aug. 19, 2020

Somehow one-sided looks ... Although piles are much more common today ...

2 thumb_up


Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Aug. 19, 2020

Yes, the widespread the spread of the piles is undoubtedly.However, in matters of reconstruction, not new construction, it is no longer an advanced solution


Shishkin Miron· June 20, 2020

In a private house, sat the foundation ... How to understand that better piles or your technology?How to get advice?

9 thumb_up


Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) June 20, 2020

Step number one is to conduct a survey, step number two get a report and give it to develop engineers, step number three listen to the protection of developed projects and decide on


Veshnjakova Alena· Aug. 16, 2020

In private construction, screw piles are now popular, as far as the question of financial competition is not even worth it, but according to other parameters, such as quality and durability, there are already very large questions for pile.

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Aug. 16, 2020

Construction is a chain of processes.Each of them may have problems that will be buried for a while following the process.Choosing technology, materials and contractors This is a question number 1. This choice should be held in the presence of unambiguous professional confidence.Then the question does not arise


Savin Pavel· Dec. 28, 2020

As far as I understand, GroundTek technology is used to correct errors during construction and use it as a foundation can not, and piles are just one of the types of foundation.

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 28, 2020

Theoretically, you can prepare a base with GroundTek.The question is always in economic feasibility.There are examples in practice. Examples when the foundation increased with the help of geopolymers rather than traditional technologies.


Blinova Olesja· Aug. 15, 2021

Surely compared to the pile of such a method will leave much more expensive!

6 thumb_up


Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Aug. 15, 2021

Not a fact, you need to calculate and compare.According to our statistics, it happens very different and generalize not correctly


Gordeev Leonid· June 13, 2021

It is doubtful that something is better than piles ... but another question, what can you help when the pile does not work?

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) June 13, 2021

Due to the various development of various methods of application, our technologies are applicable and with such non-trivial situations.We can strengthen both the base of pile, and increase the power of lateral friction


Akimov Vitalij· Aug. 18, 2020

How can you call your experts on the audit of the object?

1 thumb_up


Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Aug. 18, 2020

You can call an office or leave a request through the site on the button "Order Audit of an object and evaluation"


Dorohova Zhanna· Nov. 17, 2019

Good.And if the number of piles is not correctly calculated correctly, or their thickness is not designed for this load, which in such cases do?

7 thumb_up


Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Nov. 17, 2019

In this case, with the help of injections, you can increase the lateral friction of piles or to interfere with it, or increase the windshield under the pile head and ... Options are ...


Nekrasova Tamara· Sept. 27, 2019

And some kind of hybrid polymer and pile method are there?No one thought to connect the benefits of methods?

4 thumb_up


Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Sept. 27, 2019

Of course have.Technologies do not stand still.Currently, there is a technology of polymer piles and polymer anchor systems.

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