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Liquidation of floor drawdowns and foundations of private buildings
Владельцы частных домов нередко сталкиваются с проблемами просадки фундамента или пола, которая может проявляться в виде образования трещин в полу и стенах, а также в опускании отдельных участков пола нижнего этажа. Ликвидировать просадку конструкций и устранить трещины в полу и стенах можно в кратчайшие сроки с помощью современных технологий усиления грунта геополимерными смолами Граундтек.
Причиной просадки фундамента дома или пола нижнего этажа зачастую бывает ослабление грунта основания. Изменение характеристик грунта в свою очередь может быть обусловлено самыми разными факторами, среди которых некачественная подготовка грунта во время строительства, насыщение грунта влагой из-за изменения уровня грунтовых вод или прорыва подземных коммуникаций и т.д.
Если постепенная просадка фундамента или пола нижнего этажа превышает допустимый предел, возможно повреждение стен и перегородок, которые опираются на просевшие участки, деформация или перекос оконных и дверных проемов, повреждение слоя теплоизоляции или инженерных коммуникаций и даже постепенное разрушение всего дома.
Остановить развитие негативного сценарии можно путем усиления грунта основания под фундаментом или полом нижнего этажа. Для устранения последствий чрезмерной просадки конструкций необходимо выполнить подъем и укрепление фундамента или пола.
Инъектирование геополимерами
Чтобы усилить грунт основания под сооружением и поднять просевшие конструкции на проектный уровень, можно применять два метода геополимерного инъектирования Граундтек. Для усиления грунта на глубине до 10 м с возможностью подъема и укрепления фундамента применяют технологию глубинного инъектирования Deep Lifting.
Метод дает возможность усилить грунты основания и повысить их несущую способность за счет действия многокомпонентных геополимерных смол, которые инъектируются в грунт. Геополимерный материал заполняет пустоты в грунте, усиливает ослабленный грунт и формирует вертикально направленное давление, за счет которого и происходит подъем фундамента. Точность подъема легко контролировать во время непосредственного выполнения работ. Применение лазерных уровней позволяет выполнять измерения с погрешностью до ±1 мм.
Инъектирование геополимерами выполняется прямо под подошву фундамента без привлечения тяжелой строительной техники. Во время инъектирования нет надобности в проведении земляных или бетонных работ. Максимальная высота подъема конструкций – 20 см.
Кроме глубинного инъектирования Deep Lifting возможен подъем и стабилизация бетонных плит пола нижнего этажа, который выполняется по технологии Floor Lifting. В данном случае инъектирование геополимерными смолами происходит прямо под бетонную плиту, в которой бурятся технологические отверстия диаметром 8-16 мм.
Специфика технологий Граундтек
Преимущества методов Deep Lifting и Floor Lifting в том, что их можно использовать в любую погоду и в любое время года. При этом восстановительные работы происходят без отселения жильцов. Здание не нужно ставить на капитальный ремонт, а все работы в большинстве случаев завершаются в течение двух-трех дней. Столь высокая скорость обусловлена свойствами геополимеров, которые набирают необходимую прочность в течение всего 15 минут. При этом обеспечивается 25%-ная экономия средств по сравнению с традиционными методиками усиления грунта и стабилизации фундаментов.
Важно отметить, что геополимерные смолы не опасны в применении, являются экологически безвредным материалом, который не загрязняет окружающую среду, не вступает в контакт с водой и сохраняет свои свойства в течение длительного времени.
22 сomments
Dubinin Ruslan· Sept. 18, 2020
Good evening.Is it possible to raise the angle of the house if the foundation is not deep, about 50 cm.?
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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Sept. 18, 2020
Yes it is possible.It is first necessary to study the ground conditions and the state of the supporting structures of the house.
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Aug. 14, 2024
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Markina Anastasija· June 22, 2021
Greetings!And what is the study of soils, is the geology mean?If there is geology, then you need to make additional surveys for lifting?
Waiting for the answer, thanks!
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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) June 22, 2021
The minimum need to inspect the supporting structures, dynamic sensing and geodesic shooting to develop a draft solution.Geology indicates the qualitative characteristics of the soil base and rarely speaks about physico-mechanical properties.
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Gorelov Mihail· Sept. 28, 2021
And how to find out the exact reason for the drawdown of the base plate or foundation?
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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Sept. 28, 2021
The root cause of the reason to determine the base is not always possible because the reason and the consequences are separated in time and space.It is possible only to determine where and how weakened the foundation and, gathering together all the facts, to develop the most relevant hypothesis and choose a solution.
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Soboleva Galina· Oct. 19, 2021
Dear, tell me if the lack of drainage contributes to the sediment of my house, a friend of the builder speaks our sand everywhere, do not do what to do here, and the house still sits down?
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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 19, 2021
The presence of drainage is a prerequisite when erecting any structure on any soil.An exception can only be on the rocky base.Full actions of water and moisture can not be eliminated, but can be reduced.And just for these purposes, drainage is designed and performed.Sand base as no other is susceptible to washing small particles and seal with time.Our advice is to organize drainage and observe the behavior of the structures, and then look at the development of the situation.
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Snegirev Dmitrij· Dec. 19, 2020
Is there a guarantee on your work?And how to trace do not appear the foundation drawdown, for example, after 5 years?
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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 19, 2020
Our warranty may well be continued, but with the adoption of certain conditions for the operation of the building.The sediment of the building is determined by any professional geodesist when comparing shooting before and after work.Regular geodesic shooting of the object is included in the list of services included in the company being developed and implemented.
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Zhuravleva Anastasija· Sept. 20, 2021
And in the simulatory soils, these polymers also work?
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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Sept. 20, 2021
With garbage, nothing works.Only an exception to them from the design of the structure can work with them, that is, the passage of such soils with pile up to the mainland base.Although, in general, the main question these soils are forever murzal or this is a seasonal phenomenon.If the phenomenon is seasonal, then certainly it can be operated during a raised state.After curing, the Groundtek materials will not harm anything except, in addition to the lava ...
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Ljubimova Marija· Sept. 20, 2019
I read, looked at the video ... I see that all the same it is necessary to drill the floors ... And if I don't want to drill the floor?No exit?
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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Sept. 20, 2019
What you saw is a classic approach.However, grained specialists are based on their own to apply flexible and non-standard approaches.In many respects, due to this, the brand itself appeared.We have Cases, where a similar question has decided without any damage to the flooring.
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Sudakova Alla· Sept. 27, 2021
Hello.Are there any restrictions when performing work on the rise of the floor polit?
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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Sept. 27, 2021
The only limitation is the ability of the slab to rise.That is, the stove should not be in the state collapsed in small parts.In this case, only the stabilization of the foundation is possible.
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Kozlovskaja Alena· July 23, 2020
What traditional techniques are we talking about?
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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) July 23, 2020
Dismantling and new construction, concrete work, cementation, pile technologies.
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Efremov Jaroslav· Oct. 24, 2021
And if the floors are covertly, is it to you?
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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 24, 2021
No, it is not for us.In this case, we will not help you.
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Sheveleva Nadezhda· Sept. 25, 2020
Very interesting technology!And how to find out how much this resin is needed for a private house, to raise the angle at home for 5 cm somewhere?
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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Sept. 25, 2020
For this, our techniques conduct a survey of structures and bases.According to this data, the calculation will be made for the contract value of the project.
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Uspenskaja Anastasija· Dec. 19, 2019
I believe that the departure of your specialists is, it is desirable with an engineer directly needed, because the cracks can be formed as a result of the lack of Armopoyas or the coil of the roof, the irregular slabs of the overlap, and the customer naively assumes everything can be poured.
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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 19, 2019
Undoubtedly.The decision must be expert.And the more data, the more accurate and reasonable will be the conclusion and cheaper solution.And of course the warranty on the solution will be the maximum
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Muratov Ivan· July 23, 2019
Is it just about private homes?Low-rise buildings?
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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) July 23, 2019
No, not necessarily.If we are talking about stabilization, then there are no restrictions at all.And if we are talking about the possibility of lifting structures in the required level, then six-storey iron-concrete buildings operated from the current practice of "Rovic".
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Blinova Natalija· Dec. 20, 2019
Thanks for the article, it is very interesting, just we need your help to raise the corner of the house.How can you call your specialists?
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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 20, 2019
Leave an application for a callback.Further - everything will be in order ...
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Orehov Anatolij· Oct. 17, 2021
I would like to do quickly, efficiently and cheap, but for some reason you can choose only two options out of three!)
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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 17, 2021
We understand what focus is.All that is more than 0 is expensive.Unfortunately, it is necessary to choose from the cheapest, and the most cost-effective.
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Leonov Artem· Dec. 24, 2020
I have a house of 300 squares.How much will be the expertise of soils?
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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 24, 2020
To answer this question, it is necessary to go to the object and determine the problem areas and their scale.The area itself is not a decisive value
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Moiseeva Oksana· Nov. 27, 2021
If warm floors are installed in the planned plate, is it possible to align it and not damage the floors?
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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Nov. 27, 2021
Yes, it is possible after audit and examination.In terms of work, this limitation will be provided.Boldly contact
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Suhanova Alena· Oct. 22, 2019
And all the cracks in the floors eliminate?
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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 22, 2019
We first eliminate the causes of damage in the floors (concrete and iron-concrete).The issue of cosmetic works is discussed additionally at the request of the client.
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Antipov Pavel· June 25, 2020
Good day!I read the article about the new technology.But I did not find anything about the guarantee on your work.Is there a guarantee?
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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) June 25, 2020
Standard warranty from 5 to 10 years and corporate from 10 to 50 depending on the project and contractual obligations
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Antonova Alla· July 25, 2020
Is it possible to lift the floors without a survey?After all, if the stove rises, then the soils are already reinforced?
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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) July 25, 2020
The question remains in the deeper strata of the soil, to which the voltage with the delay is reached.This is especially true of clay soils.
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Bondareva Nadezhda· Sept. 22, 2021
And the polymer does not damage the pipe or electrician under construction?
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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Sept. 22, 2021
If you designate the tracks of communications, then during the development of the project, risks minimize
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Gromov Miron· Dec. 27, 2019
Good afternoon, you need to raise the plate sebage in the house, I have a warm floor there, is it possible?
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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 27, 2019
Yes, this is possible either by executive documentation or after surveys with a thermal imager
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