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Extreme weather phenomena have a significant impact on the basis and foundations.
Extreme weather phenomena, natural disasters and long periods of drought, rains or frosts have a significant impact on the ground base, and then on the foundations of buildings. Strong>
Summer 2018 was the third warmest in the entire history of observations in Russia, and hot weather continued, and January became one of the cold observations in particular in Moscow and the region.While one of us was exhausted from record high temperatures, others experienced a number of natural disasters, including floods, fires, rains and cyclones who had a sudden and destructive impact on many homes and wider segments of the population.
How the weather conditions affect the Earth Strong>
The most common types of soils in our region have various characteristics and react to weather conditions and can seriously affect the supporting structures of the building.Houses built on loose soils, sand and jet (bunched) clays can especially suffer from seasonal or extreme rains, floods and drought (frosts including).
The reactive clay is expanding and compressed during wetting and drying, which leads to cracking over long dry periods and swelling under the influence of moisture.In freezing, it is disrupted due to freezing and expanding water in its pores.
Sand and or etched soils are prone to settlement due to water that flips smaller grains in these types of soils, leaving larger grains for sedimentation.
During the construction, the backfilling often consists of soil, as well as other materials, such as all sorts of cavity fillers, brick or concrete battle, as well as crushed construction waste. When a significant amount of water makes a way through this array and flushes smaller particles, it can lead to a seating of the entire array. It can visually be a deepening on the surface of the Earth and can be exacerbated by a poor tamper and the overall state of the surrounding soil. When the state of ground fitness changes and can no longer maintain the foundation of the building. The designs are gradually moving down, as a result of which the house sends in one area or over the entire area, but unevenly. This phenomenon is known as "soil drawdown."
The level of humidity of the soil is a key factor in potential trouble. For example, clay soils in moderate areas tend to be wet, which makes them susceptible to shrinkage during long-term dry weather, which leads to the sedimentation of the soil. At the same time, during the rainy season, she absorbs or does not miss moisture, which, in aggregate with a freezing or (later), with defrosting carries the threat of drawings in himself. During flooding or a technogenic accident, the current water can be washed or blurring the soils, creating erosion and failures. All scenarios can lead to serious damage to the foundation and carrying structures of houses, buildings and structures of various purposes.
The increasing impact of extreme weather conditions is felt worldwide.For example, even in the regions with a soft marine climate (in the UK) after a record summer, thermal waves affected many buildings foundations, because steady warm weather caused drying in groundwater, which led to a mass shrinkage of buildings.This led to a surge complaints on drawdowns, and as a result, insurers received an unusually large number of complaints related to these.
How to deal with prepires strong>
Fortunately, there are methods that allow you to quickly, effectively and economically to save foundations affected by the settlement using advanced solutions that offer an alternative to the traditional invasive and time consuming method of concreting foundations or pile work.
The patented solution for injection of resin Граундтек does not require excavations, creates minimal inconvenience, and homeowners, often, can continue to live in the house during work.
Remember that when there are signs of sedimentation, it will be necessary to quickly consult on designers or geotechnical engineering to make sure that you have all the information and the facts necessary to select the right solution.
18 сomments
Gorlov Matvej· Oct. 23, 2019
It seems to me that if before the construction of any structure, it is correct and conscious to approach the issue of choosing a foundation in accordance with the conditions and geography of the construction site, then no extreme weather conditions will affect the operation of the building in the future.
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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 23, 2019
That they are extreme weather conditions that they are not included in the boundaries of the estimated conditions for future operation of the building.But fortunately, extreme conditions will not last long.If you first build an object, then of course, it is worth paying special attention to the safety of life and works or simply choose and withstand the pause before changing the conditions for the better.
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Kalashnikov Artem· Dec. 27, 2021
Good afternoon, I want to ask, and the device of in-depth drainage systems can help reduce the bunch of soils?
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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 27, 2021
The deepening should be determined by the studies.If all the stages of the project are carried out correctly, then definitely drainage is able to mitigate the consequences of a clay base.
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Usov Aleksandr· Oct. 22, 2019
If you take a normal competent designer, a good, profile brigade and not bother on materials, then no weather will do IMHO !!
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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 22, 2019
This article we are talking about extreme weather conditions.They are not taken as the basis for designing and construction.Therefore, after the result, it is worth providing additional measures to protect against such not frequent, but possible situations.
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Rubtsova Alla· July 25, 2019
How do weather conditions affect your resin?Are there works in winter?
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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) July 25, 2019
The material itself has an influence only to slow down or accelerating reactivity.In general, the answer will be that weather conditions do not impede repair and restoration work, but only make their own adjustments to the technological process.
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Voloshina Alena· July 28, 2021
And construction on a dump falling?Does this relate to extreme conditions?
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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) July 28, 2021
In this regard, the question of the conscience of the customer and its good faith.In general, it is possible to build anything on a filled dump, the main thing is to take appropriate measures to eliminate the potential consequences of construction on such a basis.
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Pozdnjakov Pavel· July 22, 2019
I think if everything is done correctly and do not steal money, but to build according to territorial conditions, everything will be fine !!!!
But I'm afraid not to steal - it is not about us!)))
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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) July 22, 2019
Construction This sequence of a set of action.Each of them is likely to make a mistake and the theory of probability the error is almost inevitable.Therefore, there is a question in the process itself.And theft is simply aggravating the factor.
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Berezin Georgij· July 21, 2019
Well, if the flood has happened and the foundation is washed away, then there is probably your material golden will come out to save the building?
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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) July 21, 2019
It all depends on the situation.There is no identical intended as there are no identical people.Each case should be explored separately.
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Zajtseva Oksana· Nov. 23, 2021
Interesting technology to combat the foundation of the foundation, is there a guarantee for these works?
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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Nov. 23, 2021
Yes, there are two types of warranty: warranty on materials and guarantee on the quality of work.Warranty can be from 5 years and reach a period of 60 years, depending on the client's desires and the status of the building designs.
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Zverev Ivan· June 21, 2021
Creating floor screed across the room in a room of 20 square meters.Private house.Dropper depth 40-50 mm.Can you restore?
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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) June 21, 2021
It is necessary to conduct an audit.Many factors still need to find out before responding to your question.And most importantly, what is understood by the word to restore?Make a new screed or raise old?What criteria for the success of the project?
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Vlasova Oksana· June 28, 2019
Is such a technology able to eliminate the effects of soil flushed in the collector?The volume of emptiness under the stove is about 60 m cubic
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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) June 28, 2019
Theoretically, it is possible, but for an unequivocal answer, it is necessary to conduct a survey and have a complete picture before your eyes by the state of soils and structures, as well as the reasons for this
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Firsov Aleksandr· Dec. 24, 2019
And whether water is risks for building structures?
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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 24, 2019
In most practical cases, yes, it is water and moisture.However, in special production, chemical reagents, especially aggressive, are able to apply no less harm.Also biological activity pays the risks of future destruction
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Litvinova Anastasija· June 26, 2021
It is interesting this year there were serious flooding in the north of the Moscow region whether the coefficient of appeals increased about the decomposition of the foundation.
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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) June 26, 2021
These problems are regular, because it is not necessary to identify specific areas of the regions in the Central Federal District
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Kolesnikova Alla· Oct. 27, 2019
In which regions of Russia do you work?
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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 27, 2019
We work throughout Russia where it is possible to drive by car category with
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Kozin Boris· Oct. 26, 2021
Can your technology help when the soils are bent?
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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 26, 2021
Yes, the technology can significantly reduce the effect of powered.And if applying recommendations, then it is possible to exclude
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Bychkov Ivan· June 21, 2020
Does your technology work in a strongly flooded soil?
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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) June 21, 2020
There are special resins for various primer conditions and to solve various geotechnical tasks
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Nazarova Oksana· July 22, 2019
So if the water disposal is working ... Do you still need to do something extra?
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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) July 22, 2019
Fulling water disposal is not designed for significant deviations from the settlement rate ... Because it is to talk about the exceeding precipitation of a certain value, then the standard drainage system may not cope and provoke problems
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Plotnikova Marija· Dec. 25, 2020
Of course, in the period of crazy rains the consequences will be definitely ... Yalta is an example ...
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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 25, 2020
We can only confirm the practice worldwide.
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Cherkasova Alla· July 20, 2021
It is terrible to think what happens if the weather continues to present such unpleasant surprises.Most buildings are not designed for the impact of this kind.
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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) July 20, 2021
Unfortunately yes.Everything is configured to "mean" indicators, on the devastating consequences when manifest not "normal" situations
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