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Methods for processing and sealing cracks
Seeling cracks in the wall (on the wall, in the walls) should occur only after the cause of their occurrence is determined. Very often, the cracks in the walls arise due to the drawdown of the foundation, during the construction of which errors were allowed. The foundation can begin to collapse under the influence of groundwater, strong temperature differences, soil movement, etc. Without clarifying the reason for the appearance of cracks, it is not necessary to start them with cosmetic repairs, because it will entail negative consequences and can lead to the emergency condition of the whole building.
After eliminating the cause of cracking, cracks in the brick wall are often used. This is done to prevent premature wear of the walls. Cracks are expanded with chisel and hammer: their edges are knocked down at an angle of 45 degrees. This is done for small and large cracks to prevent the appearance of emptiness in the wall. After the bay, the cracks are cleaned of dirt and dust, and also filled with a solution. If the cracks are very large, then the pieces of bricks or small gravel are used. It is worth remembering that in front of all cosmetic procedures, it is worthwhile to enhance the structures in the fracture site. This will prevent the increase in cracks and their distribution.
The reason for the appearance of cracks in brick walls (brick, gas-silicate, concrete, stone (butte) carriers) is determined primarily and all further work depend on it.
Causes of cracking in the walls: strong>
- Неравномерная осадка фундамента. Если структура грунта приводит к неравномерному проседанию здания, то, во избежание появления трещин, необходимо армировать станы по всему периметру или воспользоваться технологией Граундтек.
- Неправильные расчеты при строительстве. При возведении фундамента для здания стоит учитывать даже самые малейшие детали. Всего одна ошибка неизбежно приведёт к появлению трещин в стенах в будущем.
- Негативное воздействие окружающей среды. Грунтовые воды и сильные перепады температур могут сказаться на износостойкости фундамента и стен, особенно, если при их возведении использовались более дешевые материалы.
- Трещины могут возникать в местах соединения различных материалов. Например, часто возникают трещины между кирпичом и железобетоном. При возведении строения стоит учитывать используемые различное поведение материалов и их крепление между собой.
- Прогибы (деформации) в несущей конструкции.
The consequences of the development of cracks in the foundations of buildings (tape, slab, columnar, concrete, brick, block and butt) depend on the degree of running of the object.If the cause of cracks began to search immediately after its occurrence, then there will be no negative consequences for the construction of the house.If there were no attention to the crack for many weeks, and then months, it will inevitably lead to the emergency condition of the whole building.
A method of eliminating the causes of the appearance of cracks from the company Граундтек Strong>
In front of any work on the sealing cracks, it is worth strengthening them (strengthen), and also get rid of the causes of their occurrence.Since most often cracks in the walls appear due to the foundation problems, the company Граундтек has developed a unique technology that helps to quickly solve any fundamental problems, which will lead to stabilization of cracks and reduce them.
Technology Граундтек includes only a few stages that are able to solve the problem with cracks in just a few days.
The use of this technology helps to fix the foundation in a constant position more than 50 years, without resorting to earthworks (excavation or excavation).In addition, geopolymer is fully safe for both human and environmental.After the design is fixed, you can start a decorative trim or sealing cracks, which no longer carries risks.Our company recommends strengthening the design by special reinforcement, maintaining natural flexibility.
An important advantage of technology Граундтек is the time of work.The average project is performed within 2-3 days, and all works are produced without the need to suspend the operation of the building.
In order to order an audit of an object or learn more about technology - Call us by phone shown on the site, or order a callback.We will contact you in the near future and help solve the problem with cracks in the walls.
23 сomments
Komarova Galina· Sept. 26, 2020
Is it possible to use a chemical anchor as a placeholder and material that fastens the folded parts when seeling cracks?
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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Sept. 26, 2020
To understand what a decision or technology to choose should be understood with which design we are dealing and what impact we are trying to compensate.In some cases, it is advisable to use a chemical anchor as well.
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Surkov Mihail· Nov. 28, 2019
Good day, under one of the corners of my house, with the fill of the foundation plate, a fairly large stone boulder was discovered whether the development of cracks occur in my home because of this, there are currently hair cracks at the trim.
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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Nov. 28, 2019
Yes, this is one of the factors of uneven foundation drawdown and as a result of damage to the supporting structures.It is important to understand these cracks only on a decorative layer or this is a manifestation of cracks in supporting structures.To understand the situation, it is necessary to carry out a professional examination of the structures, examine the basis and carry out the model cover the distribution of loads with the analysis of visible destruction and results of the miscalculation.
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Prohorova Olesja· June 27, 2020
Well, you downloaded your material under the foundation .... and then what, what to do with cracks?Shoe and all!?
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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) June 27, 2020
After the situation is stabilized and the dynamics of damage is stopped, there are a number of possible options with different consequences.We recommend that you increase the cracks of flexible reinforcement and make a finishing decorative finish to forget about ex-concerns.
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Petrova Anzhelika· Dec. 26, 2019
The house was 20 years old and nothing happened, and now the cracks went, what to do, where to start the search for the cause?
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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 26, 2019
First of all, it is necessary to examine the building and determine at what level there are reasons for cracks: "Over the earth or underground."To do this, examine the founding of the building and the examination of the structures.This is the minimum necessary first step before choosing a solution for restoration work.
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Timofeev Matvej· Sept. 27, 2020
In our house we went cracked on the wall, how to find out these problems with the foundation or in the walls?
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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Sept. 27, 2020
The first stage should be called specialists for conducting a survey and identify the causes of cracks.Not all cracks are the same and not everyone has the same cause of their causing.Only after that you can argue on the topic of decisions and further actions.
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Minina Alla· Nov. 27, 2021
Hello, a house of foam concrete, a stove of overlapping w \ b, the house began to crush out from the inside, tell me what can be done?
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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Nov. 27, 2021
First you need to figure out where the power is pressured and what nature are they.To do this, it is necessary to test the base and inspect the designs.Additionally, it is recommended to make a geodesic shooting to obtain specific data on design deformations.After processing this data, you can develop a solution for a prediagnostic problem.
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Somova Galina· Aug. 28, 2021
Good day!I have a house with a basement floor, everything is fine in the basement and there are no cracks (concrete basement), and cracks appeared on the walls of the first and second floor.Maybe this is due to the sedimentation building?House 2 years.
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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Aug. 28, 2021
This is definitely possible because the deformations have a battery feature and the closer to the epicenter, the less damage.Therefore, it is clear that you should examine the basis and designs to understand the current behavior of your building.
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Snegirev Boris· Sept. 28, 2020
So in the cracks themselves do not need to inject anything?
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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Sept. 28, 2020
In general, if it does not interfere with you calmly live further, you can decoratively close them correctly.But still we recommend strengthening cracks to associate the design and avoid the movement of structures during temperature fluctuations.The sealing technology is chosen depending on the type of construction ... where is the epoxy resin, and somewhere the fittings ...
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Shvetsova Oksana· Nov. 28, 2021
And in the presence of cracks in the walls, tie the house with metal plates, make it so to speak and thus get rid of further cracking.
Many people are advised on the Internet!
But I am tormented by the question of their profitiness !?)))
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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Nov. 28, 2021
It is theoretically possible if everything is fine with the reason (and this is definitely known), but ... practical implementation and technology requires regular adjustment of the tension of these plates. After all, the temperature and humidity regime changes regularly and the properties of various behavior of various materials when no one changed the temperature. And even if all the shutters are made and preformed (which is often not done technologically correct), then for sure every season no one will regulate the tension, which leads to additional destruction of the building in contact places.
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Degtjarev Vitalij· June 26, 2020
So, the situation is such that there were cracks on the house, we immediately appealed to the company that was engaged in a survey, conducted a survey and eventually put a conclusion that everything is fine with the ground and the foundation!
What to do, where to seek the cause?
Thank you in advance!
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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) June 26, 2020
If everything is in order with the base, then you need to look for the cause in the designs itself.That is, it is necessary to conduct a survey of the designs themselves and their functional abilities.It can be a banal wear or incorrect distribution of stresses in nodes.
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Snegirev Pavel· Sept. 26, 2021
Good day, tell me, there is a problem with groundwater, and if you make water, can help?As I was explained because of this, I have the bunch of soils.
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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Sept. 26, 2021
If the reasons are defined exactly, it will certainly help.However, the reason must be unequivocally defined so that no money discarded on the wind.
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Gubanova Tamara· July 27, 2019
Tell me, in which cities do you perform work?We live in the Irkutsk region, can I call a specialist?
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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) July 27, 2019
Focal regions include the Central Federal District, NWFO, SFE, PFO and UFO.However, if necessary, we leave at any point of the Russian Federation.
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Prokof'eva Alla· Oct. 27, 2020
Good day!Tell me, on the walls of a brick house there are cracks 4-6 mm, do not observe the dynamics of disclosure.The issue of accommodation in the house.What could be the consequences?Thank you
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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 27, 2020
The consequences consist in entering moisture inside the nodes and the destruction of structures during the temperature of the temperature and humidity period.The heat loss and loss of the market value of your asset comes automatically.Insects also love to arrange their homes in comfortable adjacent conditions.
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Kovalev Mihail· Nov. 27, 2020
That is, just to smear or close the cracks of this not enough?
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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Nov. 27, 2020
Unfortunately no, or rather, it is essentially the fight against symptoms, and not with the disease.In any case, it is necessary to determine the type of cause and its location.Eliminating the cause of damage, you can make a decision that meets your desires and restrictions.
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Kuz'mina Alla· Dec. 27, 2021
Hello, tell me, is it always the reason for the appearance of cracks is the foundation or its foundation?Can cracks appear due to the use of different materials in the masonry, for example!?
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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 27, 2021
Of course, the reasons for the appearance of cracks are more than one, because it is important to conduct a survey before any actions and clearly understand the current situation and the cause of cracking
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Kondrashova Svetlana· Oct. 26, 2020
Can a crack develop due to a thick layer of the solution in the masonry?
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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 26, 2020
Masonry and solution is a steam that is good when working together by compliance with technology.If the technology is broken, then the node or item is not expected to be predictable
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Shapovalov Vitalij· Aug. 26, 2021
How do you control the raising of the foundation?
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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Aug. 26, 2021
In two ways: the installation of high-precision motion sensors and fixing the position of the node on-line, as well as the geodesic shooting during the work
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Makeeva Svetlana· Nov. 26, 2021
You write that the reasons for the formation of cracks set ... how to determine which one is?If the house is new (he 2 years old) seems to be built by conscience
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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Nov. 26, 2021
Violation of construction technology can occur even with conscientious hands.To determine the cause, structures and bases are always carried out.That is what we also recommend
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Sychev Georgij· Oct. 28, 2020
Tell me, is there technology to keep the masonry, in case of use in the construction of not very high-quality materials?
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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 28, 2020
To answer this question, you need to see the subject of discussion.There are options, but to a certain degree of destruction and the reasons for which it began
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Rusanova Alla· Dec. 28, 2020
And what if just a deformation seam did not?Also can help?
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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 28, 2020
In this case, we will not be able to help, this is either a design error or a performers.And the seam is formed wherever he must be and remains it only to "arrange" at the site of education
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Afanas'ev Ivan· Oct. 27, 2020
On the walls of the house went cracks, how to understand these cracks on the plaster or the wall itself?
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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 27, 2020
To do this, you need to knock off the cracked plaster to the supporting structure and whether it will not be taken.You can also carry out a radar or ultrasound surface examination
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Lavrova Marija· Oct. 28, 2019
If the house is on the slope, while one of the corners got a precipitate, then there is a chance to help?
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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 28, 2019
Yes, there is not only a chance, but also the opportunity.Contact contact phone help
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Kuz'mina Milana· Oct. 27, 2020
Something is not destroyed here the process of sealing cracks ...
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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 27, 2020
Agree with you.Here more revealed the topic of the causes of cracking
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