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Stabilization and strengthening of industrial buildings foundations
Геополимеры широко используют для восстановления и ремонта производственных и промышленных объектов. Смолы на основе геопролимерных материалов подходят, как для укрепления фундаментов работающих предприятий, так и для модернизации неиспользуемых объектов под более мощное оборудование.
Многие промышленные и производственные объекты подвержены регулярным избыточным нагрузкам. В зависимости от особенностей рабочего цикла предприятия, это могут быть, как статические нагрузки, так и длительные динамические воздействия.
В результате подобных нагрузок происходит уплотнение грунта под плитами пола нижнего этажа и под отдельными участками фундамента сооружения. Подобные уплотнения нередко провоцируют просадку фундамента и пола, что может вызывать нарушение конструктивных характеристик сооружения. Для устранения просадок можно задействовать методы инъектинования геополимерных смол под фундамент здания или под плиты пола нижнего этажа.
Устранение конструктивных повреждений здания
Одна из распространенных проблем, которая нередко возникает на производстве, связана с эксплуатацией мостовых кранов. При регулярном перемещении больших грузов, на опоры крана создаются неравномерные динамические нагрузки. В результате грунт под отдельными опорами может уплотниться сильнее, чем под остальными, и произойдет неравномерная просадка всей конструкции. А в случае если опоры крана дополнительно являются элементами несущей конструкции здания, может возникнуть нарушение геометрии сооружения с риском разрушения всего объекта.
Чтобы укрепить несущий каркас здания и стабилизировать состояние мостового крана, в грунт под фундаментом просевших опор необходимо инъектировать геополимерные смолы. В результате может быть улучшено состояние не только самого крана, но и сооружения.
Укрепление фундаментов предприятий
Выполнять инъектирование для усиления грунта под фундаментом промышленных объектов можно без остановки производственного цикла. Инъекции делают с помощью небольших мобильных установок, которые вводят геополимерный материал через технологические скважины, пробуренные в полу нижнего этажа или в примыкающем к зданию покрытии (грунте). Для инъектирования геополимерных смол применяют трубки небольшого диаметра. Структурирование и затвердевание материала происходит всего за несколько минут.
При этом использование геополимеров в случае наличия избыточных динамических нагрузок может быть не менее эффективным, чем без них. Дело в том, что геополимеры отличаются эластичностью и способность к восстановлению объема после окончания избыточного воздействия.
Наращивание мощностей предприятий
Восстановление заброшенных и неиспользуемых промышленных объектов нередко сопровождается необходимостью применения более мощного оборудования, которое создает увеличенные нагрузки на пол нижнего этажа и фундамент здания. В случае если эти нагрузки превосходят допустимый предел, грунт под полом нижнего этажа или под фундаментом также нужно усилить.
Для усиления фундамента с помощью геополимеров применяют метод глубинного инъектирования Deep Lifting, когда введение материала в грунт осуществляют на значительную глубину. Кроме того, для усиления пола нижнего этажа помещения можно выполнять инъектирование по методу Floor Lifting. Выполнение инъекций возможно, как до, так и после установки нового оборудования. Введение геополимеров проводят до тех пор, пока несущая способность грунта основания сооружения не будет соответствовать нормативному значению.
21 сomments
Egorov Mihail· Dec. 13, 2020
So is there any differences in the application of your technologies in industry from use for private houses?
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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 13, 2020
Theoretically, there is no process of essential difference.The difference is only on the scale of projects and various requirements for the project and work.From our practice we can say that the private residential sector has more standard problems than commercial organizations in view of their functional diversity.Therefore, the tasks and conditions differ, although the causes of the emergence of inconvenience and destruction remain among the same.
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Minaeva Natalija· Dec. 13, 2021
And how do you calculate the permissible loads that are kept or can withstand floor slabs for example in stock, after your work?
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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 13, 2021
All materials are certified and investigated in European laboratories (including NIPI HERSEVANOV).Therefore, there are special engineering technical bulletins that use GroundTek engineers to select a material for a specific task as part of a technical solution.
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Basov Aleksandr· Oct. 21, 2019
Is it important to set the maximum load on the raised area?For example, to strengthen the site of the same bridge crane when the crane itself is not there, he will again sit down or is it not a sure judgment?
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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 21, 2019
Not necessarily, but preferably from the point of view of economic efficiency.There is a large list of materials as suitable as possible for various tasks.It is important to know the design load, the material is selected under it by default, the material is selected with the desired characteristics, if it is possible to create it artificially, then you can use a cheapest material that in the course of work will take the desired density and quality under artificial loads.Therefore, it is an economic question, and not technical.
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Danilov Pavel· July 25, 2021
Is it possible to strengthen the portion of the soil before the construction start?
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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) July 25, 2021
Yes, of course.But for the project development, data are necessary on the characteristics of the soils of the future base and the load from the future structure, that is, the construction project.
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Basova Milana· Oct. 23, 2021
Is it necessary to stop production to fulfill your work?
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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 23, 2021
In general, no, no radical interference is required to processes.The place of work is a plot of 2 * 2 meters at the same time it is mobile and if this site is required for the needs of the customer, it is released during the time required.Part of the Work Plan is the coordination of convenient time windows when the required sections are available for operational use.
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Petrova Milana· Dec. 21, 2020
And what about vibrations?If they are the reason what to do?
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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 21, 2020
Vibration should be tested: work either with a source or with a receiver, or simultaneously with both sections.To do this, you can use dense and simultaneously elastic materials capable of damping oscillations and maintain designs in working condition.
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Burov Aleksandr· Dec. 25, 2020
Is it possible to strengthen the pile foundation by your method?
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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 25, 2020
The pile foundation is the most reliable and therefore the most difficult, if he still begins to bring the owner of the building.But even in this situation, you can find a solution and implement with the help of grained technologies.It is important to understand the situation to start and find the root cause of what is happening.
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Kartashov Aleksandr· Aug. 15, 2020
Then the question was whether it is possible to strengthen the soils before construction, and not it is easier to produce a survey and immediately build normally?
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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Aug. 15, 2020
The question does not have a unambiguous answer ... Of course, it is necessary to do everything normally and not to move away from the project.But it does not happen.The project tends to modify in the course of its implementation, and as specifically it will be - guess fail.
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Gorjachev Boris· Sept. 22, 2021
Can you carry out work in the logistics center without stopping activities?
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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Sept. 22, 2021
Only so we spend the work.:)
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Snegirev Ivan· Nov. 15, 2019
Is there a guarantee on your work?
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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Nov. 15, 2019
There is a guarantee on work, and not just on the material.We guarantee the quality of work depending on the wishes of the client and the actual situation at the facility.Range from 5 to 60 years.
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Paramonov Miron· Oct. 20, 2019
In the Russian Federation, have you already performed large objects?What are your reviews?
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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 20, 2019
What to consider a large project?Large federal counterparties turn to grained regularly.Privacy conditions do not allow us to disclose parts.
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Vinogradova Marija· Nov. 20, 2021
And what about vibration tell me?What if you need to get rid of them?
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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Nov. 20, 2021
Yes, these projects are certainly not simple, because they require additional calculations and tests, but solved thanks to GroundTek resins
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Odintsov Pavel· Sept. 13, 2019
And what depths are available for use?
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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Sept. 13, 2019
Technically available for processing depth to 9 meters.But with an individual approach to technology, depth to 14 meters below the day surface are available.
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Nefedova Svetlana· Oct. 14, 2021
Do you work on swampy terrain?
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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 14, 2021
It all depends on the "swampiness" of this area.The number of organic matter in the ground is critical to apply any solution.Therefore, only specific data can answer this question.
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a Anzhelika· Sept. 19, 2020
Are there any restrictions or conditions in which your technology is not applicable?
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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Sept. 19, 2020
Of course there is, like any other technology.They are simply relatively smaller than that of traditional solutions.Deployed response in this format is difficult to accommodate into this small window.
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Zhilina Milana· Oct. 19, 2019
In addition to gain, you can loss damaged designs?And what maximum deformations are subject to alignment?
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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 19, 2019
Yes, of course.Moreover, the alignment is the best reducing agent from deformation.The question is not in the maximum deformation, but in the ability of the structure to perceive the opposite movement of the breakaway part
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Izmajlov Vitalij· Oct. 15, 2020
How long does the study and work?
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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 15, 2020
Naturally, it all depends on the scale of the problem and scale of the problem area.From the practice, the examination takes up to the 3rd days, and work up to 5 days
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Astaf'eva Svetlana· Dec. 27, 2020
And with vibrations like?Do you quit the vibration yourself or do designs not susceptible to vibrations?
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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 27, 2020
Both variants are possible in combination "and" and "or".However, it is important to fully explore the situation from the sources of vibration, to their receivers through the environment and distribution directions.
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Mitrofanov Jaroslav· Sept. 26, 2020
Are you toted at any temperature?Is it possible to carry out work in large production freezers?
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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Sept. 26, 2020
We work in all conditions suitable for the vital activity of workers and with the access of mobile mobile complex
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Nefedov Artem· Dec. 14, 2019
Do you use a georadar survey?
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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 14, 2019
As part of the work on the examination of the Georadar is used in case of such a need (if the object is not reinforced) to add a picture obtained by traditional methods
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Vorontsova Alla· Aug. 22, 2020
And what if you need to align only part of the area of the zone?That is, about 300 m2 closes, but it is necessary to align a small plot under the equipment ...
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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Aug. 22, 2020
An option lying on the surface is to cut the desired zone and raise to the desired level with the amplification.
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