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Ways to reconstruct house foundations

The reconstruction of grounds and foundations is necessary to ensure the operational reliability of the building and its durability.When designing, the service life of any building is always installed, but it can be extended, with the help of timely reconstruction or repair.

The reconstruction is produced when the first signs of the destruction of the foundation were noticed or an increase in the load is planned, for example, in the form of an increase in the floor of the building or redevelopment.There are several ways to reconstruct (and repair), each of which has its advantages and disadvantages, and also applies to various types of foundations.

The reconstruction of the concrete foundation is often performed using the installation of concrete bondages and for a fee that fix the collapsing sections of the old basement concrete tape.To perform installation, in the site it is necessary to carry out extensive earthworks, which is a clear minus.Due to the need to fulfill land work, reconstruction is carried out only in good weather.

The reconstruction of the pile foundation depends on the state of the carrier pillars. If they have undergone erosion and fused, but still fully function, they can be used to the concrete reinforcement belt, which will extend their service life. If some pillars strongly collapsed or deep crack appeared, then it is necessary to reconstruct the foundation with a lift house. In this case, the house is raised on jacks, strongly destroyed pillars are completely shifted, and the rest are repaired. Crashing piles that have glance at time, it is required to replace. The reconstruction of the foundation with screw pile occurs in the same method. This method also has cons repairs, as well as large financial waste. When picked up the house in it, it is impossible to live, which also makes this method of reconstruction very difficult because you have to rent a different housing.

The reconstruction of the foundations according to technology Граундтек allows you to avoid earthworks and dispellation, which allocates this method of all possible options.Work on the reconstruction of foundations for this technology helps to ravitally perform the launch of the work necessary for the rise and stabilization of any type of foundation, which will significantly extend the service life.

Reconstruction of foundations with Граундтек technology

The reconstruction of the foundations of the old house requires a special approach, especially if the building needs to be restored without changes in appearance.For this purpose, the use of Граундтек technology will be ideal. This technology is suitable for reconstructing any kind of foundation, because it occurs without a work of earthenware.With this technology, the reconstruction of the foundation of the country house, a multi-storey building or a commercial building will not cause any problems and will be performed with an accuracy of 0.5 millimeters.

Technology is performed in several stages:

  • После детального изучения объекта, составляется подробный проект работ.

  • Работа начинается с бурения отверстий, в которые вводятся инъекционные трубки. Отверстия не превышают 32 миллиметров в диаметре, а потому не нарушают ландшафтный дизайн и не провоцируют дальнейшего разрушения фундамента.

  • Через трубки под фундамент закачивается полимерный состав Граундтек, который мгновенно расширяется и поднимает фундамент на необходимую высоту. Весь процесс контролируется специализированным оборудованием, а потому точность регулируется до 0,5 мм.

  • При наличии трещин в конструкциях, после стабилизации и усиления, они усиливатются специальной спиральной арматурой, предотвращающей их дальнейшее развитие, что позволяет приступить к отделке здания.

This technology allows you to fix the foundation in the desired position for more than 50 years.Materials do not affect the environment, as well as protection against the negative influence of fungi, bacteria and groundwater.

For detailed information and order an audit of the object - Call us by phone specified on the site.

Published: July 26, 2019 by author Groundtek

25 сomments


Tsareva Tamara· Dec. 28, 2021

Is it possible to raise a brick house on jacks?I understand this only wooden houses concerns?

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 28, 2021

Theoretically, this is possible, but in practice, the house already erected, undergoes many adaptive changes and at the time of the desire to have an impact of jacks to problematicly simulate the effects of coarse effects on the design.


Vysotskaja Oksana· Oct. 27, 2021

Hello, I want to clarify whether it is possible to inject the pile foundation when the support portion of the pile is at a depth of 8 meters?How do your resins behave in the conditions of the mainland in the form of clay?

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 27, 2021

In this matter it is important to understand what is happening with the foundation and where he needs support.Groundk resins can enhance any base at a depth of 9 meters.This is only a question of selecting the desired material with certain properties and adjustments in the project implementation process.


Bessonova Nadezhda· Aug. 26, 2020

And it is not easier to do the initially pile foundation, high quality and correctly calculating the depth!?What then would not to be inventing "bike"?)

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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Aug. 26, 2020

Indeed, if you have all the stages of construction on technology, without skips of the survey stages, calculations and design and observing technology during work, the risk of getting unpleasant surprises will be minimized. However, as practice shows, construction is a complex and long process with a variety of stages and participants. Therefore, in the end, the risk is that at some stage there will be a mistake, which will make it necessary to know later. Because of this, it is almost impossible to protect themselves to 100%, but there is always an option to insure your building and not be afraid of future damage, because insurance will cover emerging problems.


Olejnikov Dmitrij· Nov. 27, 2021

You write that your technology will fix the foundation for 50 years, and the guarantee for your work on the site is 5 years

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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Nov. 27, 2021

In compliance with the norms of operation of buildings and structures, the warranty can be extended and the company GrUNDTEK is ready to give an extended warranty on its work.5 years is a standard warranty in the Russian-building market, taking into account the natural risks that any restored design is exposed.It is also important to understand what is specifically given a guarantee for the quality of work and the state of structures or on the quality of the materials used in the work.


Zubova Anastasija· Nov. 26, 2020

Greetings, the bath, not a blurred column foundation, how much is the use of your technology, in case of sediment of several blocks, is it possible at all?

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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Nov. 26, 2020

To answer items, you need to familiarize yourself with the construction of the building and see the deformation zone.After that, you can generally determine whether the case is profile.In general, we recommend a survey of the entire design to documented the affected area and develop measures to solve as efficiently as possible.


Zykova Nadezhda· Oct. 28, 2021

I, at one time, cost the bath on the screw piles, it was 15 years ago.
Now the bath started to roll, suspect that my pikes rotted.
I consider a geopolymer as an option, bribes that the warranty for the material is 50 years.

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 28, 2021

Pile foundations are considered a constructive complex object for reclamation.Therefore, before choosing any decision, the building will be a prerequisite.It must be carried out much more carefully compared to buildings on a tape or slab foundation.


Ignatov Ivan· Sept. 27, 2020

It is indicated that when reconstructed with screw piles, it is impossible to live in the house, and when using the grained method, it is not dangerous for people?

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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Sept. 27, 2020

GROUNDTEK methods are inherently invasive methods, that is, methods that do not require interference with the work of structures, in contrast to the pile technologies, which, in essence, there is a "completion" carrier nodes that do not fulfill their functions.And since there is no need to touch the supporting structures, then there is no need to interfere with the operation of the building and evicted tenants during reclamation work.


Nefedov Ruslan· Aug. 26, 2021

After your services ... Need some other works?Well, there waste, finishing, cosmetic recovery?

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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Aug. 26, 2021

Not necessary.Our methods in the overwhelming majority of cases do not harm the aesthetic state of the house.That is, almost always the building after the implementation of our project does not worsen his appearance.Our work can be said aesthetically and environmentally neutral.No waste and recovery is required if it was not originally in terms of overhaul on your part.


Kolesnikova Natalija· Nov. 26, 2020

After what time period, the foundation should be strengthened?

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Nov. 26, 2020

Depends on many factors.There is no such average.If you do not have visible problems with structures, but there are doubts, then contact the specialists.In general, it is necessary to conduct an instrumental examination of the base and structures.


Semenov Ruslan· July 28, 2019

Good day!I have a two-story house 10 * 15.There was a crack on the wall and observe the dynamics.If you instruct you a solution to this problem in what time can you eliminate?

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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) July 28, 2019

Day 1 - Examination, 2-day Technical report and discussion solution with you.From statistics performed objects, the work themselves take up to 3 business days at similar objects.


Il'inskij Aleksandr· Sept. 27, 2020

How important is the use of your materials in case if I disassemble the old house, and I want to put a skeleton on the old foundation?

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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Sept. 27, 2020

Quite a real project, but it is important to calculate economic feasibility.But in any case, it is necessary to conduct a survey to understand whether your old foundation and the foundation of new loads will withstand.


Boldyreva Anzhelika· Dec. 27, 2020

Hello!I understand correctly that you actually replace one foundation, for example, rotting piles, to another polymer composition?

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 27, 2020

Not certainly in that way.We restore the carrying ability of the base.Talking about the replacements of the piles is not correct.You can strengthen the base without replacing the "rotted" piles.


Noskova Nadezhda· Oct. 27, 2021

How do you determine the amount of the required polymer composition necessary for the reconstruction of the foundation?

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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 27, 2021

Calculations conducts the engineering department programmatically and in manual using data after an object examination.


Mihajlov Artem· July 26, 2020

Good day!
Be kind, to answer the question of interest to me whether it is possible to raise the frame house, which, according to the builders, was put on bricks and halves from blocks.This design, as construction workers assured me, was supposed to withstand the load of the house.
But here is the boring, bricks after the rains began to lie to the ground, and the house, respectively, behind them ...
So is it possible to decide with your foam!?

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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) July 26, 2020

If you provide technical data and we will conduct a survey, the decision will be found.


Kalashnikova Marija· Dec. 28, 2019

And what about saturated soil peats, how to increase geopolymers in such cases?

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 28, 2019

Step number One This is to thoroughly explore the properties of these peats and already under these specific characteristics to select a solution and material capable of compensating for the negative properties of a strong organic base, up to the installation of polymer piles or columns.


Subbotina Nadezhda· Oct. 27, 2019

I understand this renovation here.And rather the capital than the current ... But we will not get to join the journalism

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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 27, 2019

Yes you are right.In general, it is due to the repair, repair, correction, and not the official engineering definition of reconstruction with a large volume of various types of engineering and design work, including interaction with government agencies


Vasil'ev Leonid· Dec. 28, 2021

I plan to add the second floor in a private house.Can you strengthen the foundation in advance?

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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 28, 2021

Yes it is possible.Contact our office for advice and help


Knjazev Artem· Aug. 26, 2021

I want to express your gratitude to your company for fast and high-quality work on strengthening the foundation of our house in the Kaluga region.

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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Aug. 26, 2021

Rada were to help.Thanks for the sincere thanks.


Borisov Vitalij· Oct. 28, 2019

Good afternoon.
In winter, spend work?

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 28, 2019

Yes, seasonal fluctuations in temperature and humidity slightly affect the ability to carry out work on grained technologies, emphasizing their versatility and efficiency


Kolesova Olesja· Dec. 26, 2020

So your "reconstruction" is rather major or maintenance ...

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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 26, 2020

You are right, this is an advantage over the traditional approach of a whole large-scale project.Groundtek prefers to save time and resources of its customers even to solve global technical tasks.


Rumjantseva Olesja· July 28, 2021

Good afternoon, but do you know something about the strengthening of the structure by carbon fiber?

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) July 28, 2021

Undoubtedly.The technologies of the direct strengthening of the "body" of the structures are known to us, but customers have this technology in a large number of cases causes concerns.It is difficult to believe that the "fabric" or "strip" is able to withstand or hold back the deformation of the reinforced concrete plate and the columns


Gorbachev Aleksandr· Aug. 27, 2021

Good day!We plan to suck the second floor. Is your technology to strengthen the foundation?

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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Aug. 27, 2021

Yes, of course.This is the most secure and comfortable way to solve such tasks.


Ustinov Artem· Oct. 28, 2020

Solving issues of impaired waterproofing during the reconstruction of the foundation by your material possible?

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 28, 2020

As a positive side effect - yes.The material creates a hydrobarier to enter the surface and inside the design of moisture in the contact places. Design - soil


Isakova Alla· Dec. 26, 2019

I did not quite understand the grained industry repairs the foundation or soil?

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 26, 2019

We provide support to the foundation so that he can perform his functions and did not arouse complaints as much as possible


Molchanova Tamara· Dec. 26, 2021

Is it possible to restore the old butt foundation using your material?

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 26, 2021

Yes, there are special bonding materials.But again, it is necessary to understand that there are no universal methods, and this in turn means that the foundation should not be destroyed above a certain level to be subject to recovery with a guarantee