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Strengthening soil by cement

Одним из известных способов укрепления слабых грунтов является цементация.

Основанный на инъекционной или струйной технологии, этот способ дает возможность преобразовать непрочное, неустойчивое основание в крепкое и не поддающееся внешнему влиянию. Суть метода заключается в нагнетании на различную (в соответсвии с проектом) глубину специального цементного раствора. В результате грунт должен стать более стабильным и с улучшенными механическими характеристиками, что создает прочную основу для строительства различных зданий.

Стоит отметить, что этот метод не универсальный, а потому его применять надо с осторожностью и пониманием условий применимости на различных грунтах с разными задачами.

Порядок проведения цементации

Как правило, этот процесс осуществляется в определенном порядке, который зависит от обстоятельств, но в общем выглядит так:

 1. Бурение скважины;
 2. Нагнетание подготовленного цементного раствора;
 3. Укрепление сырого раствора арматурой (если проект  и соответсвующая технология предполагает);
 4. Постепенное затвердевание, в результате чего получается монолитная свая (или колонна). Если осуществляется просто нагнетание раствора, то итогом будет объём, заполненный бетоном.

Подачу раствора в процессе нагнетания улучшает работа бура, который, вращаясь, содействует заполнению веществом всех пор в радиусе.

Чем хорош этот метод?

Особенностью применения этой технологии является ее широкая изученность и распространённость. Однако не все типы грунтов или не во всех состояниях допускают применение подобного метода. Внедряя практически этот метод, нельзя не отметить следующие плюсы:

- Закладка фундаментов осуществляется на надёжном основании. Если метод сработал.
- Хорошо известные методы расчётов и проектирования. Основы заложены и развиты со времён СССР.

- Рыночная стоимость и широкое распространение

 Особенно важным преимуществом при этом является то, что все этапы работ можно теоретически просчитать. Количество материалов, технические характеристики, временные промежутки для работы – все это можно учесть и внести в проектную смету. Благодаря таким расчетам заказчик еще до начала работ будет знать, сколько денег ему нужно будет вложить, а строителей не должны ожидать неприятные сюрпризы в виде несоблюдения сроков. Однако на практике на каждом этапе может ожидать неопределённость, ведь хорошая теоретичекая база не гарантирует практический результат. 

Сфера применения

Существенно улучшая прочность и качество грунта, цементация помогает решить целый ряд функциональных задач в строительстве, например:

 - повышение прочности грунтов под уже возведенными строениями, включая городское строительство и автомагистрали;
 - создание заграждений противофильтрационного характера;
 - закладка разнотипных фундаментов;
 - уплотнение грунта около сооружений подземного типа: гаражей, коллекторов, тоннелей;
 - фиксация склонов и откосов.

Есть ли альтернатива цементации?

Данный способ считается наиболее популярным во многих строительных фирмах. Это объясняется чрезвычайной простотой его использования, а также финансовой доступностью. Однако современные разработки предлагают и другие, более удобные методы укрепления грунтов. Известные уже в более 80 странах мира технологии Граундтек предлагают метод закачки в грунт специально подготовленного материала, содержащего полимерные компоненты. Эта технология не предусматривает участия тяжелой строительной техники, а полученный плотный грунт совершенно не вымывается водой и является отличной основой для возведения или ремонта строений в различной местности.

Связавшись с нашими специалистами любым удобным для вас способом, вы сможете более детально узнать об этой технологии, включительно с ее особенностями и преимуществами.

Published: Aug. 17, 2019 by author Groundtek

23 сomments


· Oct. 30, 2024

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Maslova Milana· Aug. 20, 2019

Good afternoon.And how does the proliferation of cement occur?If I correctly understood, when the solution is submitted, all the heapples are filled in soils?!Thus, cement can go in any direction and completely uncontrollably, compacting the ground where it is not required ...

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Aug. 20, 2019

The control occurs at the means of tracking pressure when the solution is submitted.That is, before the "failure."The risks of uncontrolled spreading of the solution are real and often found in practice.


Feb. 19, 2024


Kozlovskaja Alla· Sept. 17, 2020

I already poured concrete under the foundation ....
The house was invested the mass of money, time and strength, built, you can say the whole family!
The case was like this: they began to appear the web on the wall, we did not pay attention to the next year, I look, and she revealed and no longer a web, I think it is not critical. The following year, the wife says that in the bathroom began blowing out of the wall, I filmed, remembered the crack ...
Among the winter, they rushed to look for who can close the crack, it turned out that it was necessary to strengthen the foundation.
I found the "specialist" the men, they slipped all week, then brought concrete pump, poured 70m3 concrete, I ran with grief in half, well, I think now everything will be ok.
But, in the spring, stretched in other places, began to rip out the simpleness in other parts of the house.
Experience, to put it mildly, sad ...
Now hell knows what to do ...

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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Sept. 17, 2020

In difficult situations, before choosing and implementing the solution, it is strongly recommended to diagnose and determine the causes of the destruction started.In this case, after everything has been aggravated, all the more worth staying and waiting with the decision and take measures to diagnose and conduct a survey.


Filatova Alena· Aug. 27, 2020

Good afternoon.And for what criteria is better to choose the technology of cement?As far as I was looking for a lot on the Internet there.

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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Aug. 27, 2020

Criterion Number One is your project requirements and a criterion number two are the state of your building and base.After these criteria you have collected together, you need to talk with a geotechnic engineer, which is obliged to answer your questions and doubts.


Rubtsova Svetlana· Sept. 24, 2020

Tell me, is it possible to produce a building with the help of cementation?There were guys alone, they told the Danger more comfortable and everything would be fine ...

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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Sept. 24, 2020

Predictable rise and long-term effect This technology, unfortunately, does not imply.Not to mention the control of the process of injection of the solution under high pressure.


Noskov Aleksandr· Dec. 18, 2019

After reading the article I did not understand what is the main difference between cementization and your method?

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 18, 2019

Main differences are several: fundamentally different materials (expanding, insensitive polymer and cement with known properties), predictability and proof of the work effect (GROUNDTEK technology possess), operational time project implementation, safety (cement under pressure can escape in an unpredictable place with consequencesAnd Groundtek works locally and predictable).


Zajtseva Oksana· Nov. 18, 2020

Cementation can be calculated and identified the real cost of work, and your method cannot be?

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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Nov. 18, 2020

You can count any project, the question is only on the basis of what.GROUNDTEK projects are considered based on survey data and only.And even cementation should be calculated according to surveys.However, in contrast to cementation, GroundTek projects have a contract value and predictable result.In cementation projects, a lot of unknown remains ahead, even after signing the contract and project compilation ...


Vereschagina Alla· Sept. 27, 2020

Add cement and cementing not the same thing?

9 thumb_up


Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Sept. 27, 2020

No, this is not the same thing.These are different technologies that have their branchings with a more careful consideration.


Mironova Natalija· Aug. 17, 2020

Greetings!The cementation method as you correctly noticed, this is a long-known and inexpensive method, but technology does not stand still and now there are newer and effective materials !!!Personally, I prefer to use modern technologies!

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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Aug. 17, 2020

Thanks for your position.The world moves and moves us forward.


Maslov Aleksandr· Sept. 23, 2019

Tell me for the miscalculation of the cementing of my building. What data are needed?

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Sept. 23, 2019

We cannot consider the cementation itself, as we do not deal with this type of work.But from the practice of communicating with customers, contractors on cementation are asked only about the area of the building or the site.


Kondrashov Leonid· Dec. 20, 2020

And then how will the quality of work check after the cementation?Or will it all show time?

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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 20, 2020

In the practical case, "time" should show everything.And in the right one, it is necessary to conduct separately examination before and after work to compare the results on the bearing capacity.


Ljubimova Milana· Sept. 22, 2021

Is there a warranty on work with this new material?

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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Sept. 22, 2021

Yes.The warranty may be standard, and may be extended.All conditions are prescribed during the preparation of the contract.


Rogova Anastasija· Nov. 17, 2021

I heard that there is a technology of cementation by impregnation of soils through perforated tubes, can you say something about such a method?

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Nov. 17, 2021

It all depends on the ground conditions.Whether the soil is capable of infiltration.In general, this is part of the process of injection of cement or silicate materials.Therefore, talking about a separate technology - it does not seem


Bogdanov Ivan· Sept. 23, 2020

Somehow one-sided cementation was in the article.She actually has a bunch of species ...

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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Sept. 23, 2020

Yes, definitely you are right.In this article there was an attempt to turn more on this method to this method.This topic, of course, has great potential for deepening and detailing


Golovin Matvej· Oct. 20, 2020

And how to calculate how much material is it necessary to strengthen this new GroundTek method?

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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 20, 2020

Engineering calculations are conducted by the software package and then checked manually.However, surveys and quantitative data for modeling and analysis are collected before all calculations.


Kazakova Galina· Sept. 23, 2021

I came across such technology in practice.
For a long time, dirty and not controlled in terms of the spread of cement ..... and the most unpleasant, increase in the consumption of material from the initial calculations and, accordingly, the cost of work.

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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Sept. 23, 2021

Alas, in this technology a lot of unpredictability.But at the stage of the attacks, the proposal sounds tempting and many consumers are taken for the final cost.


Vorontsov Leonid· Aug. 18, 2020

I am filled with a foundation, but the house has not yet been built.I want to progress and take advantage of your technology.How do you look at it?

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Aug. 18, 2020

We approach the question so that it is necessary to conduct an examination of the foundation and learn the project to understand whether you need to spend your money


Troitskaja Galina· Aug. 28, 2020

Regarding accurately calculate, it's not quite so.Either the guys who are engaged in cementation not quite honestly fell.They said the price, agreed to it, and then in the process of work began.expenses ... then the pump is weak, it is necessary for the other more expensive, then they did not have enough mixer, etc.It turned out more expensive from the initial interest price by 30. But the problem was eliminated.

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Aug. 28, 2020

Yes, uncertainty is an important part of the traditional approach.In their methods, we exclude this opportunity: all stages and the result of predictable and financially fixed


Homjakov Dmitrij· Aug. 25, 2020

And what are the "unpleasant" surprises come after the cementation?

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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Aug. 25, 2020

Of our practice there are two significant "surprise": 1. These are "additional acts" - that is, it is necessary more cement for injection in fact, rather than in the project 2. The cementation did not work - and it becomes a question where else and how much to download on the second round afterHow did cement hardened?


Chistjakov Jaroslav· Dec. 23, 2020

I read in an article about the new technology Groundtek. I thought that without heavy equipment, it means nothing to dig and break.But how to find out how much this material is Groundtek?We have a private house 10x12

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 23, 2020

Just in the size of the house, estimate the scale of the work is not possible.To determine the cost, it is necessary to diagnose and obtain quantitative data for the development and miscalculation of the project.


Ushakov Georgij· Sept. 23, 2020

Well, the classic is so classic, but tell in your articles about the thermal fixing of soils, it is also geotechnical work, I suppose readers will also be interesting

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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Sept. 23, 2020

Thanks for the recommendation.Accepted.We will queue an application for the disclosure of this topic.


Korovina Zhanna· Nov. 21, 2019

Do you propose a cement to replace something?

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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Nov. 21, 2019

Of course not, Cement occupies its legitimate place in the construction industry since ancient times.We are talking about the effectiveness of the application of technologies to solve specific tasks


Rodionova Natalija· Oct. 21, 2019

We arrived at me on the "Master" plot with cementation.The dirty was on the ears, and they also say: "You have a clay soil here, we will not give a guarantee - I didn't go anywhere else."In general, the cementation is full of negative!

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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 21, 2019

We think here is rather not professionalism, rather than the technology itself in focus.Cement is quite applicable in its field.It's just not a versatile technology