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Methods of enhancing house foundations.Strengthening and stabilization

Currently, there are various methods of strengthening grounds and foundations that will help you get rid of unnecessary problems in the technical component of the structure. The need to enhance may occur under different circumstances, but most often this procedure is made in the event of the expiration of the building or when the foundation structure is destroyed, as well as in preventive purposes. In the event of a problem, you should immediately take care of its decision, and seek help to professionals to maintain operational properties for a long time.


Injection method

One of the common ways is to enhance the foundation injecting technology of which allows repair work as soon as possible.Plus, the technology of amplifying the ribbon foundation by injection will save from excess dust and noise.

The gain process is made due to the administration under pressure from the polymer resin to the base of the soil.Due to this, the base becomes much more dense due to the full filling of all emptiness and moisture outpace from the pores.After that, a point injection of the solution returns the foundation to its original position and increasing carrier properties.


Cement method

Strengthening the foundation of cementation technology needed in the event of the slightest signs of deformation or destruction.The method consists in drill wells in the affected areas, after which they receive a special solution.After that, cement fills in all available space, significantly strengthening the foundation.


Strengthening the foundations by drilling pile

Now, the most popular way to strengthen the foundation for most structures, in particular the enhancement of a brick foundation, are drilling piles.For this, it is necessary to drill well on both sides of the structure along the foundation.The depth of wells directly depends on the species of soil.After that, a special solution is poured into the finished wells and reinforced piles are installed.


Installation of reinforced concrete clip

Also, some foundations makes sense to strengthen the preservice of special reinforced concrete robes. This method is widespread when the boob foundation is needed. Strengthening of monolithic reinforced concrete cuts of foundations technology that strengthens all the external space, since the solution fills all the emptiness of the masonry. The principle of technology is to strengthen the foundation for the reinforcement grid and the installation of the formwork. A solution is poured between the grid and the formwork, which after complete hardening strengthens the entire design.


Strengthening the foundation from the company "Граундтек"

Leading experts do not recommend to fulfill the foundation with their own hands, as this can lead to sad consequences.It is much more efficient to seek help from "Граундтек".We are engaged in strengthening and strengthening foundations for special technology for many years.The basis of the technology is introduced into the foundation of the foundation of geopolymer resins, which fill out all empties and, by expansion, fully stabilize the foundation.

Before working, we carefully diagnose the foundation structure to identify the existing problems.Only after that, all workflows are performed.Thanks to unique methods, all the work is performed without the need to release the premises or suspension.Plus, all the steps are carried out silently and very quickly, without leaving the extra garbage.You can get detailed advice on the phone indicated on the site, or order a callback.

Published: Aug. 26, 2019 by author Groundtek

23 сomments


Maslennikova Zhanna· Sept. 27, 2020

I have a house in the Moscow region.On the butt foundation, the foundation of the fine-breed 50-60 cm (approximately).Last year I watch the cracks from 0.5 cm to 1 cm that appeared on the wall of the house.
What kind of gain will advise and is it possible to help in my case!

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Sept. 27, 2020

To answer this question, it is necessary to examine the designs of your home and base for a guaranteed solution.


Veshnjakova Natalija· Sept. 28, 2019

Is it really possible to help with a building drawdown?

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Sept. 28, 2019

No, but in practice it is rarely suitable comprehensively to the problem and often try to hide or solve only the visible consequences of uneven building drawdowns.


Mironov Ruslan· Aug. 27, 2021

And I did not bother with a solution about the strengthening of the foundation, but simply sold the house as it is !!!

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Aug. 27, 2021

This is also a solution to the problem.However, according to Russian legislation, when selling damaged property, the buyer has the right to shift the costs of repairs on the former owner.Be careful.


Rogova Tamara· Sept. 27, 2019

Do you write that before work, do the diagnosis of the foundation, what includes this diagnostics?

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Sept. 27, 2019

Our comprehensive examination includes inspection of bearing structures and fixation of deformations, geodesic shooting and dynamic sensing.If there is an objective need, we conduct a survey of georadar and take cores from designs for laboratory surveys.


Avdeeva Alena· Nov. 26, 2021

How does the soil gained sufficiently controlled on your technology?

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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Nov. 26, 2021

By default, the criterion is the study of the ground before work and after the results of the results in the report.Also an additional indicator of quality is the fact of "movement", that is, the rise of the structures up to 1 mm.This is determined by laser motion sensors for the production of work.The third option is the introduction of an independent organization, which by its methods will determine the achievement of the result.


Isakov Anatolij· Oct. 28, 2020

Tell me, carried out work on strengthening the foundation of cementation, but the effect turned out to be negative, the sediment increased, the cracks are revealed stronger.What can I help in this case?

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 28, 2020

In this case, it can help: stop the wrong decision, then examination of the current deterioration and development of a new draft decision - other technology.Unfortunately, after the cementation, the load from the building is redistributed by another unknown way and for engineers who develop a project, it becomes an "experiment", because few people want to take responsibility.


Vysotskij Leonid· Aug. 28, 2021

And how to make the right one among all this?Nevertheless, they will tell about themselves ...

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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Aug. 28, 2021

Usually before such solutions it is worth going to the manufacturing base of the enterprise.Inspecting, talking, ask your thoughtful questions.After all, the predictable and guaranteed process begins with itself.


Serebrjakova Galina· Oct. 27, 2019

Your company, conducted work on strengthening at home to my neighbor in Odintsov.I liked the technology, although not cheaper (but this is my subjective opinion).
But the main neighbor is pleased.
I still do not need your services, I'm fine with my home!
But I retained the phone, for the future)))

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 27, 2019

Thank you for a positive feedback.We will be happy to help.


Cherepanova Oksana· Dec. 26, 2020

In the case of preventive use of technology, can you give a guarantee for the lack of problems with the house?If so, for what time?

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 26, 2020

It all depends on your request, the state of the base and state of the structures.Warranty Range WORATE: From 1 to 60 years to the current moment.


Bessonova Alla· Oct. 28, 2021

And there are also various non-standard strengthening methods, such as thermal or bituminization, one can add an article or write a new one in the technoblog.

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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 28, 2021

These methods have a place to be, but in practice their use is not common.In practice, we have not yet met a competitor with these ways to restore.In books on geotechnics and reconstruction, these options are definitely mentioned.


Terehova Natalija· Sept. 26, 2021

The house after construction appeared small cracks, the builders say this norm.But I worry.How to understand the norm or not?

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Sept. 26, 2021

We write our articles, describing the practical methods that are distributed in the construction market.Thermal method and bituminization are not widely distributed and are a narrow-profile solution.


Potapov Leonid· Dec. 26, 2021

Tell us how do you diagnose the foundation structure? Will there be any land work?

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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 26, 2021

According to the foundation, we usually determine the depth of the mortgage and if there is an uncertainty about its physical condition, then we make a shurta.By default, we conduct dynamic sensing to determine the foundation base characteristics.


Kondratov Miron· Aug. 28, 2021

And silication?No longer considered the method?

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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Aug. 28, 2021

Silicatization takes place to be, but it is rare and demanding at all stages of implementation to the specialists, offering it.Therefore, unconditionally theoretically, this is one of the ways to solve specific problems of foundations and grounds under certain conditions.


Kas'janova Galina· Dec. 27, 2020

Options, a lot ... But how to choose the only true ... That's what is the question!?I prefer modern technology !!!I think already practically no one uses payphones, and that's right !!!Technologies do not stand still!

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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 27, 2020

Everything needs to be considered and compared.This is the path of the 21st century :)


Emel'janova Nadezhda· Dec. 28, 2021

Each method is good, did you have a situation when you need to combine technology?

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 28, 2021

Yes, definitely ... There is no standard solution and technology when working with an existing object.And the combination of technologies is more often used in the purpose of the economic efficiency of the solution or as the consequence of the unsuccessful experience of the previous steps


Andrianov Jaroslav· Aug. 27, 2020

Your experts will be able to help me choose a more appropriate way to enhance the foundation?I do not understand anything.

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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Aug. 27, 2020

Oh sure.We discuss the decision in conjunction with the client before it is approved and correct if it is necessary


Snegirev Ruslan· Sept. 27, 2019

And how to find out which method you need our home?If you call your specialist, can he determine?

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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Sept. 27, 2019

A specialist will be able to determine the applicability of our technologies in your situation and for your task.For specific contractual calculations, it is necessary to conduct a building survey for the formation of a commercial offer.


Antonova Svetlana· Sept. 26, 2019

How much is the departure of a specialist in the Moscow region?For inspection!

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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Sept. 26, 2019

Order an "audit" on our website and after communication to you will be published by a specialist for subject consultation


Pirogov Pavel· Dec. 27, 2021

All the listed methods are not strengthened and do not strengthen the foundation itself ... They are essentially crutches for an already damaged foundation ...

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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 27, 2021

In the strict sense, yes, you are right.Make the design again all these techniques can not, but can solve the applied nature and restore the function of the node


Bocharov Ruslan· Aug. 27, 2020

It was published on the Italian site of Hendtek, they use the technology of grained dip injecting ultra, do you apply the same radar in Russia as these guys?

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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Aug. 27, 2020

This technology is in the "beta" testing.Time is needed to obtain approved results to be transferred to colleagues from other regions.


Golovina Galina· Oct. 28, 2020

I read the article, and realized that the holes need to be drilled.But we have a warm floor in the house.Do you damage it?

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 28, 2020

Should not if you have everything done on the project or the pattern of laying heating elements can be detected using a thermal imager


Lykov Ivan· Aug. 26, 2019

And if you decide whether to solve ... How to bind them to the foundation and transfer the load?

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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Aug. 26, 2019

It all depends on the type of foundation itself and its condition.Case is always individual, contact your advice


Rodin Vitalij· Nov. 27, 2021

And if you dig a ribbon foundation and pour more concrete, it will correct the situation with the sediment and the appearance of cracks on the walls?

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Nov. 27, 2021

It is an anaupported already not a reliable basis, and the filling of concrete you even more load an even weaker base ...