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Repair and waterproofing of underground structures

Геополимерные смолы дают возможность их применения для гидроизоляции и укрепления подземных сооружений. С помощью геополимеров можно гидроизолировать и восстанавливать подземные емкости, колодцы, коллекторы, топливные баки, трубопроводы, шахты, подвалы и другие конструкции.

Во время использования подземного сооружения, которое должно обеспечивать полную герметичность, возможно возникновение микротрещин с дальнейшим проникновением в них технологических или почвенных жидкостей. Во многих случаях срочный ремонт конструкции, замена поврежденных элементов и заделка трещин не может полностью вернуть гидроизоляционные свойства. Ведь появление трещин могло спровоцировать изменение характеристик грунта, в толще которого расположена конструкция.

Если стенки подземного сооружения начали пропускать жидкость, грунт, скорее всего, испытал ослабление, размытие и уменьшение уплотненности. В таких ситуациях кроме заделки трещин и восстановления характеристик объекта, нужно также укрепить и усилить грунт. Сделать это можно, повысив его уплотненность с помощью геополимеров Граундтек.

Office building soil improvement Groundtek 

Особенности геополимерных смол

Важное преимущество геопролимеров Граундтек в том, что этот материал не вступает во взаимодействие с водой. Геополимеры просто вытесняют воду в окружающее пространство. При инъектировании геополимеров в ослабленный влагонасыщенный грунт, вода из него уходит, а сам грунт усиливается и уплотняется.

Кроме того, способность к водопоглощению усиленного и уплотненного геополимерами грунта снижается, а в качестве дополнительного эффекта от применения геополимеров происходит гидроизоляция стенок конструкции в местах, куда была совершена инъекция.

Production plan 

Обработка стенок шахт и туннелей

Нередко туннели, трубопроводы, шахты и другие подобные конструкции делают из сборных элементов. Чтобы гидроизолировать поврежденные элементы такой конструкции и заделать швы и стыки между сборными элементами, можно использовать геополимерные смолы. Их инъектируют в грунт, который сопрягается с местами повреждений и стыками между элементами.

Осуществлять инъектирование можно и с поверхности земли без раскопки поврежденной конструкции, и прямо изнутри туннеля или шахты (если есть такая возможность). Во время инъектирования, геополимерный материал может даже попасть в пространство шахты или туннеля, что будет свидетельствовать о качественном выполнении работ. Лишний материал нужно будет просто срезать с внутренних поверхностей.


Снижение влагоемкости грунта

Другая причина ухудшения гидроизоляционных характеристик таких подземных сооружений, как подвалы, фундаменты и т.д. – некачественное уплотнение грунта обратной засыпки, прилегающего к стенкам конструкции. Такой грунт становится более влагоемким, чаще намокает, что приводит к непрерывному воздействию влаги на стенки сооружения.

Этот процесс можно остановить, если уплотнить грунт, выполнив инъектирование геополимерами. При инъектировании геополимерами влагоемкость грунта снизится, а косвенным следствием будет гидроизоляция сооружения.

Published: Dec. 13, 2019 by author Groundtek

21 сomments


Gorohova Alena· Dec. 22, 2021

And what can you say about impregnating compositions?

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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 22, 2021

Unfortunately, there is incorrect understanding of the conditions in which similar materials are effective.If the design is experiencing a plugness out of out, then impregnating the design from the inside you do not squeeze the moisture out and stop its arrival.Fracting under such conditions you will regularly get leaks as the moisture will deform the design over time and finds new ways of receipt.Therefore, for a radical solution, it is necessary to provide measures to block the income of moisture from outside.Groundtek compounds are just performing this feature.


Boldyreva Tamara· Dec. 25, 2021

Kind!Such a task: the old tank from under gasoline, the reservoir is swallowed into the ground, there is a desire to put it, but confuses whether your polymer cannot ignite in a mixture with gasoline couples?

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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 25, 2021

Materials have different nature and properties.For the task of filling the empty containers of various contents, there are a number of materials that have enormous potential to expand and absorb not only liquid substances, but also odors in closed cells of the final composition.This task is solved without unnecessary headaches.


Pavlov Dmitrij· Dec. 26, 2019

Good morning!Is it possible to apply your technology in the subway?

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 26, 2019

Yes, GroundTek technology is widely used.Including in the metrostroy.In particular, our colleagues from Italy and the United States have a number of projects in the underground construction of the subway.


Orlov Anatolij· Dec. 21, 2020

Good day, on one of the images, the cavities injected along the pipe are drawn, the question is what, and the material itself can not crush the pipe?

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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 21, 2020

The material is selected individually for the task, taking into account all the requirements for expansion, fluidity, expansion volume and strength of resistance to compression.Therefore, the risk exists a plot of material into damaged pipes.Therefore, a very important part of the project implementation is a survey and collecting the maximum amount of data for a guaranteed solution with minimal risks.


Dmitriev Jaroslav· Dec. 27, 2020

And what if under the building groundwater and sends the foundation?Will your technology help?

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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 27, 2020

With a general approach, there are two options.The number one is the water supply so that the groundwater does not blur the base.The number two is to create a non-blurred base under the building.


Mel'nikov Dmitrij· Dec. 22, 2019

And what is the difference from the compositions that are hardening when contacting with moisture in injections?

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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 22, 2019

The principle of materials Groundtek is different.Grandtek materials squeeze moisture and fill holes and pores into which water comes from-out.For waterproofing works with grained materials, the contact with water is not important, because the project can be implemented in dry conditions.


Shestakova Zhanna· Dec. 15, 2020

Is it possible to restore insulation in brick walls to your material, or is it injectable only in the soil?

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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 15, 2020

The grained material is designed to work with the base grounds and the structures of the erected "below zero".For injection masonry there are other materials.


Jaroslav· Dec. 14, 2021

It turns out the technology of grained this resinization?

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 14, 2021

This is an erroneous opinion.Despite the name "geopolymer resin", this is not the resin, which is used for classical resinization.The classic resin does not have such properties and the technological process passes otherwise.Do not get misleading.


Gavrilova Galina· Dec. 26, 2020

The basement from the FBS can be insulated?Water flows through FBS cracks and concrete floors in spring.

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 26, 2020

Can.You can three ways: 1. Make improved drainage 2. Make a hydrobarier 3. Express fluid input paths


Voronov Boris· Dec. 18, 2021

A residential apartment building basement can be waterproof?

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 18, 2021

Yes, quite real.With the reservation, which is accurately determined by the cause and place of fluid penetration inside.


Leonova Marija· Dec. 18, 2021

And from an economic point of view, grained materials compete with classic waterproofing materials?

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 18, 2021

Groundtek materials in essence and goals serve as an increase in the base.Waterproofing is a side effect and the comparison will be not correct


Schukin Aleksandr· Dec. 14, 2021

Does your material can be used as waterproofing, or is it only for amplifying soils?

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 14, 2021

As a side effect - yes, the waterproofing result can be obtained.It all depends on the project task


Chumakova Olesja· Dec. 21, 2019

Do you apply this material for waterproofing basements of private houses?

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 21, 2019

Technically, this is possible.However, it is important to understand the economic feasibility of the project and the exact challenge standing in front of the contractor


Orlova Anastasija· Dec. 18, 2021

Technology is the same as for strengthening soils?Or is there any deviations for isolation?

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 18, 2021

The technology is radically different in the case of purely waterproofing work.Both engineering and technically used other techniques for developing a draft decision, not to mention the materials


Rybakova Nadezhda· Dec. 24, 2021

It is not enough to isolate the room, but only a problem area?

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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 24, 2021

Theoretically, it is possible, but it is necessary to study the situation deeper and on the existing actual data can be answered exactly


Sergeev Boris· Dec. 23, 2020

And what is the difference between grained materials from the total injecting materials for waterproofing?

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 23, 2020

Yes, the principle of solving the issue is differ dramatically.Unlike traditional materials, Groundtek squeezes moisture and does not give back


Ryzhov Mihail· Dec. 19, 2021

Why does the polymer absorbs water?After all, polyurethanes are protected from water because of this quality.Atut on the contrary ...

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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 19, 2021

UERETK polymer itself forms closed micro-pores, unlike widespread polymers in the construction market.


Zorin Matvej· Dec. 17, 2019

Is it possible to carry out your material waterproofing well?

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 17, 2019

Perhaps, but it is necessary to deal with a specific goal for such works


Latyshev Artem· Dec. 20, 2019

Water usually everywhere downtown finds if you do not combine your job additionally with improving waterproofing?

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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 20, 2019

The coating waterproofing is good if there is an outside of the design in the first place of contact with moisture


Korchagina Anastasija· Dec. 15, 2019

And pressure leaks?You can also handle with them?

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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 15, 2019

To a certain degree of pressure.Depending on the level of pressure, various materials or methods may be required.


Potapov Leonid· Dec. 16, 2019

Good evening.We have a problem with the house.But apple and cherries and cherries are growing near the house.Is your material not harmful?After all, he will be in the ground

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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 16, 2019

The material is completely inert and does not interact with the environment.Even drinking water can not spoil contact

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