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Grandtek urges citizens to be prepared for emergency
Граундтек - One of the leading engineering companies is very knowledgeable about risks and emergency problems, and therefore encourages residents to be properly prepared using the following manual.
How to prepare for emergency? Strong>
Ensure that your house has a fully equipped emergency kit that includes the following items:
It is possible that water, electricity and telecommunications can be broken, and your home can be cut for several weeks.Therefore, it is extremely important to have a 2-week reserve of non-cocked food and at least 3 liters of water per person.It is important to discuss with family members and friends, as you will communicate in an emergency, without relying on home and mobile phones, ensuring that everyone is safe.
What to do in case of collapse? Strong>
During the collapse, it is recommended to follow the principles: "drop, shelter and waiting" - shelter under strong furniture until the collapse subsides.To make your home safer in case of collapse of the entire house or its part from the effects of emergencies, attach furniture to the walls with special nails or screws, and also think about adding the edge to the cabinets and chests to prevent the decoration of jewelry and other items.
Turn on the alarm radio and listen to ads that relate to your area.In case you need to evacuate, a set for evacuation is another important thing for each family member.The evacuation kit should include all objects from the emergency kit, as well as the following additions:
- Specialized basic objects, such as hearing aids, glasses or vehicles
- emergency water (insurance stock) and non-perishable products (compact sizes), including energy bars and dried products
- main pets for pets and / or children, including special food, mixtures, etc.
- shift waterproof clothes and durable street shoes
- Additional toiletries, including soap, hygienic accessories and toothbrushes
How to find out if your home has suffered? strong>
As soon as the inhabitants are allowed to their homes and property, the initial damage after the emergency will be obvious. Small broken or damaged items, as well as perishable products can be immediately disposed of. It is recommended to conduct an audit of your property, photographed any damage incurred during the emergency to provide as evidence to insurance companies when applying. After an emergency, warning signs of structural damage of the house may appear, including cracks in walls, foundations or uneven floors, which makes it necessary to conduct a professional assessment of the state of your home.
to whom to appeal in an emergency? strong>
Local authorities are responsible for planning and management of emergency situations, closely cooperating with emergency services to ensure proper response to natural disasters.Residents are advised to keep calm and patience on time and after a disaster, as well as regularly listen to local radio stations.Telephone lines should be free for emergency calls, and therefore residents call to call only in the event of a direct threat of life or property.Do not forget that the rescue telephone 112!
21 сomments
Dement'ev Matvej· April 7, 2021
And somewhere in the world they resorted to the help of grained in the elimination of emergencies?
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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) April 7, 2021
Yes, of course.GroundTek technologies are very often used when eliminating the effects of earthquakes or landslides.In particular, it is Italy, Australia, Indonesia, India, USA.
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Somova Zhanna· May 13, 2020
And you can get up in the doorways, in case of emergency.So still in school taught)))
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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) May 13, 2020
Yes, before this was taught in school and it was remembered.But the question is still where the doorway is located ... on the ribbar of stiffness or not.In any case, we considered it necessary to remind the elementary safety rules.
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Fedosova Milana· Oct. 13, 2021
Are there examples of work performed by Groundtek after an emergency?
I would like to understand the example.
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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 13, 2021
If you contact our office directly, then the manager will receive an application from you and receive the selection and transfer of an example on your application with descriptions and answers to your questions.
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Petuhov Leonid· Feb. 11, 2020
Non-standard article for a construction blog, but nevertheless thanks for anxiety, an interesting article.
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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Feb. 11, 2020
Thank you.Our organization tries to bear and implement certain social roles and obligations.
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Zaharova Anastasija· March 10, 2021
Thanks!Good article!Helpful information.
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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) March 10, 2021
Thanks for your nice feedback.We try to inform and be useful outside commercial activities.
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Plotnikova Oksana· Nov. 13, 2021
Thank you for the manifested care!
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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Nov. 13, 2021
Thank you, try to be useful in addition to our technical competencies.
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Markov Artem· April 28, 2021
Thanks for the information!
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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) April 28, 2021
My pleasure.Thank you for gratitude.Try to enlighten as much
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Osipov Ruslan· Feb. 17, 2021
Minimum, but in the case.Easier to remember than Safety Tom
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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Feb. 17, 2021
This is the value of brevity.It is easy to remember and more difficult to forget in the stressful situation.
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Murav'eva Olesja· April 28, 2020
And it is better to build a bunker under home in advance, create reserves and, if necessary, wait for an emergency!)
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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) April 28, 2020
Of course, if you have such a vision, no one can prevent you from achieving your goal.You just need to do it and follow your strategy ... But with this there are always problems ...
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Korshunov Matvej· Feb. 21, 2020
Everything else needs to be owned at least a minimum level of medical care, nor when you do not know whether you need these knowledge to you or your loved ones, the basics need to know always!
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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Feb. 21, 2020
Of course, it is necessary, but this is the time and strength for knowledge that may not be useful (and thank God if you do not use).Therefore, to invest in this resources few people who want
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Korshunova Alla· Dec. 8, 2020
Is it a setting on the topic of emergency?)
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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 8, 2020
Our article emergency is more described as something technogenic or natural.Viruses and bacteria are not in the area of our competencies, although it is included in the concept of emergency
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Shuvalov Mihail· Feb. 13, 2020
The main thing that the house would not float!
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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Feb. 13, 2020
The main thing to keep your life and health.About the house you need to think just in advance
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Nosov Pavel· Oct. 7, 2021
This information is always past ... no one to prepare for it in advance, and when the moment comes - everything is not automatically ready ...
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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 7, 2021
Alas so ... Due to the low frequency of such events, the perception of danger is downtred and does not cause the need to prepare or at least study the issue
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Titova Milana· April 15, 2020
Perhaps still need radio communications, due to the lack of mobile, and so excellent article!
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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) April 15, 2020
If the catastrophe passes locally, then the mobile communication should not be injured in the regions, even with the meetings of civilization.But if the situation is global, the radio connection must be at hand including
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Merkulov Matvej· July 27, 2020
Thanks for the cognitive article!
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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) July 27, 2020
Thank you for your attention and warm feedback.
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Suhova Tamara· March 15, 2020
Yes, such measures to prepare for emergencies were conducted in schools.
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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) March 15, 2020
Yes, the necessary minimum should know each, because during the emergency, autonomy and isolation - the most obvious problems
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Anan'eva Milana· Nov. 17, 2021
Another copy of the passport and one hundred rubles!As required by GOST)
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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Nov. 17, 2021
One hundred rubles is already little in our time ... :)
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Kruglova Galina· Feb. 25, 2020
Reminders never happen :)))
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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Feb. 25, 2020
And there is.Reminders they are like training - good in constancy ...
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Rybakov Jaroslav· Oct. 24, 2021
Thanks for the useful article!
1 thumb_up
Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 24, 2021
Always be happy to be useful
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Zorina Alena· April 15, 2021
Thank you, but God forbid this knowledge ...
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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) April 15, 2021
Completely agree with you.But it is better to be armed at an unexpected moment
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Kalashnikov Ivan· May 6, 2021
Thank you for the article!
7 thumb_up
Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) May 6, 2021
Thank you for your high grade
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