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Answers to frequently asked questions from owners of private houses about grained

What happens to any cracks in the walls when working with Граундтек?

Cracks in the walls can be closed as the building lifts, which allows you to perform a simple finishing repairs.Windows and doors often work again normally, if there were previously throughout.

Will there be a mess on the facility (in the house, on the site)?

The mess will only in the form of the presence of Граундтек technicians on your facility.We use the injecting technology of the resin Граундтек, which is similar to the "microsurgical operation" without excavation, interference with the work of the designs of structures or the organization of disorder.The necessary holes for injections are very small: from 8 to 28 mm.

how much time do you need to raise and align the house?

Each project is individual - the number of wells for injection, the area for correction, the type and state of the building structures, as well as ground conditions may vary.Most projects are completed within two or three days.

Do you need to move to the time of work?

The vast majority of projects do not require the tenants even come out of the house, not to mention some move.Perhaps it is not even necessary to move the furniture, as engineers designers will take into account this when developing a project.

What guarantee will I get?

The materials we use were designed for use under the ground and were specifically designed to resist the long-term shrinkage and wear.Граундтек has the ability to guarantee on work for a period of up to 60 years.

How many projects completed the company Граундтек?

Only in the Central Federal District of the Russian Federation, we successfully completed more than 135 projects over the past 2 years.

Is the material Граундтек safe and environmentally friendly?

Injected material is environmentally friendly and does not adversely affect the environment.

The main stages of customer service Граундтек:

Evaluation of the situation

Cracks in the walls and deformed floors or foundations in your home usually appear because the part of your home asked.A common reason for such a sediment is precipitation of ground fitness.The cause of the sediment is a weak soil is not able to provide resistance to current loads.

The best long-term solution begins with the root of the problem.The foundations of your home must be raised, aligned and reinforced again.Thanks to Граундтек decisions, buildings foundations are rapidly returning to design marks.Ribbon, slab and columnar foundations, as well as access roads can be aligned and for a long time.

Where it is necessary, weak foundation can also be strengthened and stabilized.Our employees visit your home and evaluate the situation.Then experienced engineers and techniques determine the necessary method, creating a project and plan, the production of work specifically for your needs and your home.

Decision Procedure

The traditional method of re-aligning houses was the jacks or concrete work.These methods have serious shortcomings, being long, dangerous and dirty processes.They include excavations to make large excavations under the foundation of the building, the fill of concrete (or the installation of support under the jack), waiting for the durability, and then lift the house from concrete blocks.

Граундтек is a modern way to restore the uniform based on your home to a strong base.Our method is the most modern, and, like other best solutions in our fields, it is as simple as: 1, 2, 3!

Visible result

As the supports or foundation rise back to their correct level, the windows and doors begin to work properly again.The gaps between the plinths and the requested floors are closed.

Cracks in the walls can be closed as the resin Граундтек raises the foundation back to the desired level.

Deformed access roads and parking areas can also be aligned: discomfort when traveling, strikes and failures are eliminated.

Vehicles can drive in just 30 minutes after the completion of the work.

Published: April 22, 2020 by author Groundtek

13 сomments


Kazantseva Milana· Oct. 23, 2020

In my opinion, the most important question that Smashes the Customer turning to the Grandtek: "Will I be able to solve my problem with the help of technology and fix the situation!?
Companies offering alternative technologies are not enough, but you need to find the only right solution.
After all, it is very important not to make a mistake with the choice .....
I dare to assume that professional professionals work in the company, and the main thing is to implement a project !!!

6 thumb_up


Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 23, 2020

Of course, it is, as if "advertising" it sounded.After all, Groundtek devoted all his time since the creation of effective solutions from cracks and making awards of buildings and structures.


Fomicheva Alla· Sept. 25, 2021

Good afternoon, we have a house in Chechnya, who needs to be associated with?The most important question, we sat down the floors, but we have a warm floor, do not damage?

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Sept. 25, 2021

You can contact our Rostov branch.Warm floors are not limited to carry out work.Our technologies allow you to preserve the functionality of the warm floor.


Denisov Pavel· Oct. 27, 2021

Good morning!Do you write that in the Central Federal District of Russia have completed many objects, do you work in the distant districts of Russia?

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 27, 2021

Yes, we work throughout Russia.From Kaliningrad to Sakhalin


Terent'eva Zhanna· June 27, 2021

And what is the difference between ecologically neutral and environmentally friendly materials?

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) June 27, 2021

Environmentally neutral material does not interact with the environment, and environmentally friendly material introduces additional positive qualities to the environment.


Zhuravlev Ruslan· Dec. 26, 2021

Is it possible to work in close conditions when the neighbor's fence is very close to the house, approximately 40-50 centimeters?

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 26, 2021

Our company conducted work on the object that was the boundary of the property.Not standard conditions for us - this is the standard


Isakova Anzhelika· June 22, 2020

And vertical cracks also converge after your work?

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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) June 22, 2020

Vertical cracks must be especially carefully studied by the cause of the cause of their education.After all, if the reason for their appearance is the lack of a deformation seam in the design, then the grained in it will not help here


Fokina Milana· April 28, 2020

It is clear when the result is visible, the closure of cracks and so on, and when the soils just enhanced, how to understand that everything is good and the house will no longer sit down?

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) April 28, 2020

For this, the base is carried out to work and after and instrumentally prove the necessary improvement in the foundation


Bogdanov Artem· May 23, 2021

Good day!She asked the corner of the house.I read your site and realized that you need to drill holes to download the material.But we have a warm floor at home.Do you damage it?

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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) May 23, 2021

First you need to deal with the problem.Sachets the foundation or the floors themselves?Please contact the office and chat with our manager to start solving your problem.


Zubkov Aleksandr· Dec. 26, 2020

What does your warranty spread after work?

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 26, 2020

It can spread both on a purely position of the specifically stable part of the building and on the whole building entirely ... it all depends on the specific task and requirements defined by our clients


Cherkasova Alla· Sept. 26, 2020

And what if the house does not have physically cracks, but cracks ... the sound of the cod is heard ... at night, especially heard ...

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Sept. 26, 2020

In this case, you urgently need to order a survey and deal with the cause of this cod.Trresc clearly talks about the dynamics in the movement of the designs of your home, which should not be (if it was not taken into account when designing and building initially)


Vorob'ev Jaroslav· Oct. 27, 2021

Good day!I read the article and did not understand a little ... Let's say ... I have a house, one corner asked me, you come to download your material, and how do you further control the quality of your work?

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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 27, 2021

We conduct a re-examination of the foundation after work, take on a guarantee an object and carry out regular geodesic monitoring of house designs


Galkina Galina· Aug. 28, 2020

It is a pity that there are no prices here ... And she interests most of all, I'm sure :)))

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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Aug. 28, 2020

In this matter, everything is very individual ... To just answer, you need to have many specific proven parameters on the object.Even outwardly, similar houses may have a radical discharge cost of restoration work.


Sazonov Ivan· July 27, 2020

Good day!Today, October, until the study of the soil is done already and November.Do your work work in winter? Or is it better in the spring?

6 thumb_up


Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) July 27, 2020

It all depends on the situation, or rather from the details of the project.Some types of work is better to carry out ...

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