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Measures for compulsory inclusion in the process of exploitation of private and public property

Autumn rain nearby.Abundant sediments can lead to numerous problems, including floods and landslides, which are at risk of property, human life, damage buildings and infrastructure.In the rural area destroy crops and even domestic cattle.When preparing for the season rain, it is important to understand the degree of risk and damage that can cause extreme weather phenomena.

Floods come with heavy rains or melting of snow, which can affect health and lead to problems, including: diseases from polluted drinking water, spills dangerous materials, mold in homes and an increase in the population of pathogens.When the streams, rivers and lakes are overwhelmed, dangerous pathogens carrying by water can get to the source of drinking water.

When heavy rains damage the sewer systems, wastewater can be blown into fresh reservoirs, where people live and rest people.In rural areas, abundant precipitates wash out fertilizers and other nutrients in waterways, which ultimately leads to chemical pollution and extinction of flora and fauna.

It is important to understand that the swamps, ditch, ponds and streams make up what is called the "open" network of our water systems, while the pipes and water pipe tubes are "closed" channels for rainwater. Owners (individuals or organizations) of real estate are responsible for maintaining storm drainage systems on their ownership of working condition. After the stormwater leaves private property, it can flock into roadside ditches, sewer pipes, border and drainage systems, as well as lattices of storm wells that are serviced by local operational bodies. So, who is responsible for maintaining drainage and sewerage? Short answer - all.


How can urban authorities prepare?

Urban operating services and institutions can prepare for the autumn-spring season, updating and supporting infrastructure facilities, improving instructions and action plans in case of natural disasters.Precautions in the checklist before the season should include:

  • Определение зон, подверженных затоплению, такие как водопропускные трубы и желоба с решетками. Также проведение частых профилактических осмотров и технического обслуживания водоотводящих сетей.

  • Очистка приёмных решеток до и сразу после дождя, чтобы убедиться, что мусор не засорил решетку, чтобы не вызвать наводнение.

  • Проведение мероприятий для идентификации образования каких-либо провалов или участков разуплотнения грунтов при отказе ливневой системы на скрытых участках.

  • Проверка и профилактическое обслуживание объектов дорожного строительства и дренажных систем.


How can real estate owners prepare?

Readiness for wet weather is also crucial for private property owners.Here are a few items that need to be included in the list of "important cases" of each owner:

Familiarize yourself with the history and vulnerability of your region to floods and local emergency evacuation plans.

  • Подготовьте свой собственный план, в том числе, где ваша семья будет жить в случае наводнения и что вы будете делать, если источник воды станет загрязненным.

  • Проверьте и очистите ливневые водостоки (например, стоки с подъездной дороги, стоки с отмостки, желоба и водосточные трубы) до и сразу после дождя. Сильный дождь может смыть мусор обратно на решетку, что может привести к наводнению.

  • Убедитесь, что насосы отстойника(колодца) находятся в рабочем состоянии. Имейте резервный насос отстойника и резервный источник питания, если вы потеряете питание во время сильного ливня.

  • Убедитесь, что ваши частные септики работают должным образом, и попросите сантехника периодически проверять их.

  • Наймите инженера-обследователя для диагностики, если есть какие-либо провалы (или воронки) или какие-либо признаки отказа ливневой системы, такие как разрыв труб и блокирование ливневых стоков.

  • Если вы видите листья, скошенную траву, бутылки, мусор перед ливневой канализацией, то, пожалуйста, упакуйте или изолируйте его до следующего дождя.

Published: May 2, 2020 by author Groundtek

15 сomments


Savitskaja Alla· Aug. 27, 2021

Is it possible to check the drainage systems of the private house, through revision, optical chamber?

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Aug. 27, 2021

It all depends on the diameter and the length of the pipes.Currently, there are many methods for diagnosing sewer systems, including using video cameras of various modifications.However, we recommend using the optimal method, after studying specifically your situation and tasks.


Potapova Marija· June 13, 2020

Can minor cracks in the ability to lead to serious problems with the foundation?

8 thumb_up


Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) June 13, 2020

They may indicate possible problems.Therefore, when such damage is detected, the state of the foundation base and conduct a survey and obtain recommendations for correcting the situation


Ignat'eva Oksana· Oct. 27, 2021

Very interesting article!Thanks!

9 thumb_up


Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 27, 2021

Thank you for warm feedback.We strive to be useful not only if the problem occurs, but also to prevent her


Kochergin Pavel· July 14, 2021

And some more visualized or methods are available for distribution?

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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) July 14, 2021

We have recommendations, because please contact the company's office.Over the visualization, we are currently working


Chernov Dmitrij· Sept. 5, 2020

In our SNT, half have no banal lavety.

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Sept. 5, 2020

In our experience - not only the storm sewage is absent.Often, the foundation itself is not provided in the project.


Petrova Svetlana· Aug. 27, 2020

Are there any specific data on how much prevention is cheaper thanks to the sudden "fire"?

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Aug. 27, 2020

Such concrete statistics should have insurance companies, they have such data accumulate with centuries.In our company, the sample is distorted, since we already have implemented insurance cases


Zimina Nadezhda· May 12, 2020

Thank you for the article.It is really better to be restrained than then rake the consequences.

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) May 12, 2020

Exactly.I do not get tired of repeating it


Tkachev Matvej· June 18, 2020

How can I examine the supporting structures after the flood?

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) June 18, 2020

Minimal Action: Examination of the foundation and regular inspection of supporting structures for the presence and dynamics of damage


Fokin Vitalij· Aug. 14, 2021

Good day!Spring soon, snow melting season and naval.What prevention can be made in a private house so that there is no soil drawdown under the house.

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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Aug. 14, 2021

The main prevention is to verify the performance of all drainage systems of your home.If there are already damage, you should invite a specialist to inspect and more specific actions to effectively dispose of the budget


Shul'gin Pavel· Nov. 18, 2020

What kind of prevention are we talking about?

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Nov. 18, 2020

Under prevention is understood to be a regular inspection, checking and cleaning of engineering communications.As for the building, this is an inspection and examination of structures and / or grounds for fixing defects with the causes of their occurrence for timely solution


Fedosova Anzhelika· Nov. 4, 2021

In theory, real estate insurance should solve the issue of force majeures ... Although our mentality is that the prevention is that insurance ... Side ...

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Nov. 4, 2021

It is difficult to comment on something here and voice opinions.But it should be noted that this is characteristic of humanity as a whole without binding to nationality or state


Dubov Leonid· Oct. 10, 2021

City authorities and are so ready, they call money on pockets and anything else)))

4 thumb_up


Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 10, 2021

Let yourself leave this statement without a comment :)))


Shul'gin Miron· June 10, 2020

Thanks for the useful article!

4 thumb_up


Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) June 10, 2020

Thank you for a positive assessment.


Samsonov Vitalij· Dec. 4, 2021

Made the mark - I will follow!Thanks!

4 thumb_up


Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 4, 2021

We are glad to try and be useful in practice


Kononov Ruslan· May 2, 2021

In our country, everything comes unexpectedly - that the snow that drought!
There is also a saying: "Prepare Sani in the summer", but it is not at all clear why no one should ...

6 thumb_up


Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) May 2, 2021

Because people are typical.Unfortunately, of course ...