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Grandtek company since 2012 provides effective solutions for thousands of real estate
Solutions for public buildings and cultural heritage buildings strong>
Граундтек achieved successful results for many owners and management buildings. Among them, those that were included in the World Heritage List or are located in significant places for the World Heritage. Our delicate approach is necessary when restoring these significant and sometimes fragile designs. After all, they are often needed to lift, align and maintain with caution and efficiency. Our highly qualified technical specialists use a number of solutions and technologies to eliminate the causes of settlement of structures, giving old buildings a new life and keeping their historical value for the future.
solutions for a variety of residential foundation strong>
Failed or tailored floors, scene and access roads, cracked walls, skews of doors and windows - all this indicator of structural damage caused by uneven sediment. From one-storey wooden houses to multi-storey residential complexes of the foundation drawdown caused by an unstable or weak base may affect a number of properties of both objects and operating mode. The causes of unstable or weak soil include changes in humidity inside and outside, erosion after harsh weather events, vibrations due to nearby construction, leaking pipes, leading to the liquid-filled cavities and voids, as well as to changes in the structure itself.
Our solutions to restore the properties of the soil are a modern alternative to traditional strengthening methods.Non-invasive approach (without interference in the design), comparable with microsurgee, which does not require excavations or even partial dismantling of structures.Ours, including patented solutions, are designed not only for concrete slab floors.We can lift, align and re-enhance tape and slab foundations, road and airfield plates and so on.
Company Граундтек widely uses formalized and tested methods, including the injections of our patented resin of the eponymous line Граундтек® and up to technologies under computer control, to restore large apartment buildings with minimal inconveniences for tenants.
Specialized resins, gels and coatings strong>
Recently, Граундтек also began to move towards advanced solutions for restoring, sealing, protecting and constructive strengthening aging or damaged buildings and infrastructure facilities, including tunnels, mines and basements exposed to weak soil and penetration of water and moisture.
As a global player in the field of innovative engineering solutions and technologies, the company offers a wide range of specialized applications for the restoration and preservation of individual structures and nodes in commercial, industrial, residential, cultural, civil construction, infrastructure and mining industry. Our specialized resins and coatings include engineering injections or spraying for large pipes and utility structures, highly efficient water infiltration control systems that can quickly stop the serious flow of water in construction or civil projects. Even in emergency situations, waterproofing solutions Граундтек are charged to stabilize or stopping water from entering. Industrial hardening products include a wide range of concrete and steel coatings to protect buildings and structures designed for specific project needs. All decisions are economical, fast in use and non-invasive.
3 сomments
Ustinova Natalija· Dec. 25, 2021
Concrete protection?Or a solution when he crumble ... is it to you?
1 thumb_up
Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 25, 2021
The structure of concrete itself our technologies do not affect.Because if the cause of the problems is precisely the breaking, then, unfortunately, we will not be able to help the case, but only by the Council or Recommendation
8 thumb_up
Knjazev Matvej· Oct. 20, 2021
M-yes ... long ago on the market ... And as always, we are not ... Conservative ... Conservative ... It's necessary to become the same as much to become a standard ...
6 thumb_up
Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 20, 2021
Unfortunately, it is ... You have to drill not only the land and concrete ... :)))
8 thumb_up
Astaf'ev Anatolij· July 14, 2021
Are you and roads can it turn out?
7 thumb_up
Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) July 14, 2021
It turns out that way... :)))
8 thumb_up