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Is the clay of the only type of base that causes problems with the foundation?

Clay is not the only type of foundation that can adversely affect the foundations.The second frequency of problems with the foundations of houses is sand.Although the sand does not expand and is not compressed as clay soils, but it can be blurred, creating gaps or decompositions under the foundation.Peat or soil with enclosures of organic substances is another type of ground base, which is compressed and expanding the same as clay.

Is it possible to buy a house with the problems of the foundation?

Many housing buyers run without regard to when they see a house with a problem foundation.The fear is that the repair of the house and ensuring the new sufficient support for its foundation will cost thousands if not in tens of thousands of dollars in the equivalent.

If you buy a house, follow the common signs of problems with the foundation.In addition, be sure to inspect the nodes and supporting structures.But it is also necessary to be aware of that often at this stage of problems with the foundation are overlooked.

To make sure that the house you want to acquire is constructively durable, ask the engineer, and better to evaluate the engineering service.They will also be able to give you an idea of how much repair work will cost so that you can do or accept an offer with this.

In thoughtful cases, you can get a good deal around the house with the problems of the foundation.But make sure that you are aware of what you taste.Some fundamental problems can be easily fixed, while it may take a completely new foundation.Do not agree to say that the seller or real estate agent says, only the expert builder engineer can help you determine what to expect from the bid object.

should I fix my foundation before selling your home?

If you want to get the maximum price for your home, it should be almost in perfect condition.This includes troubleshooting the foundation if you can afford it.

Some real estate repairs offer an extended guarantee for their repair (including Граундтек), which can be transferred to new owners.This will give potential buyers calmness because they know that the problem is solved, and the risks are financially provided.

In some cases, you can sell your home as it is.Often, investors buy houses with the problems of the foundation.In addition, if you have an advantage in the seller's market, some buyers are ready to repair themselves.

How not to guess with the recruitment contractor?

Foundation works are definitely not an independent project, therefore it makes sense to attract professional contractors who will provide you with a detailed offer along with the assessment of your problems.

Граундтек offers the following tips and precautions:

  • Изучите методы ремонта и задайте много вопросов. Не принимайте окончательного решения, основываясь на рекламе и дешевых ценах. Если это звучит слишком хорошо, чтобы быть правдой, то, наверняка, для вас так оно и есть.


  • Не ведите дела с подрядчиком, у которого нет опробованных, формализованных и доказанных технологий ремонта.


  • Если у подрядчика нет вопросов о глубине залегания фундамента и типе основания, то будьте осторожны. Маловероятно, что подрядчик будет работать в убыток, а вместо этого просто остановится на глубине, которая гарантировала бы ему прибыль.


  • Гарантии на качество материалов и работ не одно и тоже. Поэтому обратите пристальное внимание на их условия. Помните, что гарантия хороша настолько, насколько хороша и надёжна компания, которая ее поддерживает.

Published: Dec. 3, 2021 by author Groundtek

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