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In what cases should be eliminated by the bottom of the foundation of the house
В течение 3-5 лет после постройки дома, фундамент сооружения может давать осадку. В случае если предельно допустимые нормы осадки превышены, конструктивные элементы здания начинают испытывать чрезмерную нагрузку, которая может привести к образованию повреждений. В подобной ситуации осадка уже считается просадкой и ее следует устранять.
Чрезмерная осадка фундамента здания может привести к возникновению аварийно опасных ситуаций. Признаком неприятностей обычно является разрушение или повреждение несущих конструкций дома – возникновение трещин в фундаменте, стенах, просадка плит пола, отхождение перегородок от пола или от потолка, перекос проемов и т.д.
Само по себе наличие трещин в стенах еще не говорит о том, что присутствует аварийная просадка фундамента, ведь повреждения могут касаться только финишного слоя декоративной отделки. Однако если затронуты несущие конструкции здания, необходимо провести полноценное обследование дома и его фундамента. Если выяснилось, что причиной повреждений является просадка фундамента, то устранять трещины и проводить внутренний ремонт имеет смысл только после стабилизации состояния фундамента.
Традиционный способ усиления фундамента
Классически задачу устранения осадки фундамента решали путем усиления фундамента. Вообще термин «усиление фундамента» может применяться на разных этапах возведения дома.
Когда строительство только начинается, производится просчет осадки фундамента под воздействием нагрузки на грунт. Если при просчете выясняется, что выбранная ширина фундамента недостаточна и дом оказывает нагрузку на грунт большую, чем тот способен выдержать, фундамент усиливают. То есть производят пересчет проекта при увеличенной ширине фундамента или при другом типе его конструкции.
Однако осадка фундамента может превысить допустимые нормы и на реальном объекте. И в этом случае тоже можно усилить фундамент. Традиционно это делали путем проведения серьезных земляных и бетонных работ. Нужно постепенно откопать фундамент по периметру всего здания и провести усиление отдельных участков конструкции. При классическом подходе одновременно усиливать сразу весь фундамент нельзя, и работы делают поэтапно. Учитывая немалую длительность застывания бетона (28 дней), становится понятным, насколько это сложный и трудоемкий процесс.
Усиление грунта геополимерами
Инновационные технологии геополимерного инъектирования Граундтек позволяют произвести усиление фундамента другим путем. Дело в том, что фундамент не является отдельной конструкцией, которая передает нагрузку на грунт, а существует в рамках системы грунт-фундамент.
Поэтому задачу усиления фундамента можно решить не только путем увеличения ширины фундамента, но и за счет изменения характеристик грунта основания здания. Если увеличить несущую способность грунта, то система грунт-фундамент начнет работать нормально, а конструкция и состояние фундамента при этом останутся неизменными. Таким образом, выполнив процедуру усиления грунта, можно сказать, что произошло «усиление фундамента».
Как производится геополимерное инъектирование
Чтобы остановить и ликвидировать чрезмерную осадку фундамента путем усиления грунта, под подошву фундамента инъектируют геополимерные смолы Граундтек. Проводить крупные земляные и бетонные работы при этом не нужно. А весь цикл восстановления конструктивных характеристик здания заканчивается в течение двух-трех дней.
Инъектирование выполняют через специально пробуренные скважины , в которые вставляют трубки диаметром 12 мм. В отдельных случаях возможно использование сразу двух или трех трубок в одной скважине. Трубки при этом погружают в грунт на разную глубину. Инъектирование выполняется с помощью компактных мобильных установок, без задействования большой строительной техники.
23 сomments
Rusanova Svetlana· Oct. 27, 2020
From the article it is not clear what kind of buildings are we talking about ... Wooden?Stone?Concrete?What are the following methods apply?
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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 27, 2020
GROUNDTEK technology applicable for any designs erected on natural soils.
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Fomicheva Anzhelika· Oct. 28, 2018
Please tell me how much your technology is applicable, with foundations from the FBS?
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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 28, 2018
Foundations from FBS blocks are no exception to the application of GroundTek technologies.However, for such structures, with any solution, it is worth carefully approaching work due to the relative fragility of structures.
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Makeev Matvej· Oct. 25, 2018
Is it possible to use the amplification of soil with geopolymers in winter?
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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 25, 2018
In general, it is possible if the area of the work is below the level of freezing.
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D'jakova Zhanna· Oct. 25, 2021
I wonder how much fun is that ???
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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 25, 2021
Evaluation of the value of any project is possible after the minimum need to surveys and develop a solution for each specific case.
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Petrov Matvej· Dec. 25, 2019
I heard that under construction, the metro uses such a method
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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 25, 2019
Yes, in the construction of underground structures, the problem with the weakening of the soil is daily, because GrUNDTEK technology has experience and in the construction of the metro in a number of European countries.
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Korovin Ruslan· Oct. 27, 2017
Please tell me how to better strengthen the monolithic ribbon foundation?Familiar advise to use piles, but I would like to know the opinion of professionals.
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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 27, 2017
Step No. 1 This is a survey of the base and state of structures.After that, you should choose the solution under your case.Choosing solutions An important factor for any question of preserving the value of your asset.
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Shuvalova Olesja· Oct. 26, 2020
What a sediment of the building is permissible when carrying out work on strengthening soils by the method. When it should be completed. Thanks
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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 26, 2020
When carrying out work on the strengthening of soils, traditional methods arises an additional sediment of structures associated with technological features: excavation, drilling and a long time of the durability of materials.The GroundTek method avoids additional precipitate, since drilling is carried out by a small diameter, and the material gains strength in seconds.
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Firsova Alla· Oct. 26, 2020
Good day!
We plan to reconstruct in the company, due to serious vibration loads, there was a sediment of the floor slab.Interested in two points: Is the polymer really freezes so fast, because I would not like to slow down production.
And another moment, how much does the overall technique enter the object in the production of CMR?
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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 26, 2020
Application of GROUNDTEK technologies The speed of the complete reaction of materials allows you to stabilize and vibrate the design or equipment for half an hour, while not stopping it.In most cases, the manufacturing workshop does not drive at all.The technique can be parked within a radius of up to 100 meters from the project's working area.
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Zubkov Mihail· Dec. 28, 2020
Is it to bore the earth, you need to do holes in the foundation?Does it affect his strength?
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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 28, 2020
It rarely happens to be a strong need for drilling through the body of the foundation.In practice, the technology does not oblige unambiguously to bury the foundation itself, but obliges to get to the problem zone.If there is a way to do this without interference in the design, it will be done.
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Beljaev Pavel· Nov. 27, 2018
I think that all these sediments of the foundation, the wrong choice, is due to the fact that people do not examine (geology), and often at all the house from the "head" build nor to you projects, the calculations of any, and in perspective it's allAnd it turns out in the problems of this character, what is it?Desire for savings or banal uneducation?
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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Nov. 27, 2018
Clean and unambiguous response can not be.Always between extremes there are combinations.The world is not black and white, it is multicolored.Somewhere on geology saved, somewhere they did not know about her at all ... and this concerns each stage of construction.
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Gerasimov Mihail· Nov. 28, 2021
Full examination of the house?If there are cracks on the plaster?Isn't it too famous?
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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Nov. 28, 2021
This is a general approach.Of course, the scope of the survey is applied adaptively after the visual inspection of the object by a specialist and discussion with the Engineering Department.
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Malyshev Boris· Oct. 28, 2019
If within 3-6 months.There are no new cracks, can we say that the building has ceased?
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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 28, 2019
Unfortunately, it is impossible to say so.The process of change may not be linear and not flow smoothly over time.Very often, the situation changes dramatically, accumulating certain potential.We recommend in this situation to conduct surveys to determine the potential of further destruction and dispel uncertainty.
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Kulikova Svetlana· Oct. 28, 2018
What is the composition of GroundTek?How does it increase the soil?
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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 28, 2018
This is a heavy polymer designed for injection into the ground ground.After the injection of the polymer into the ground, it expands with controlled force and hardens, creating the necessary support to the structures based on the "modified" base.
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Latysheva Svetlana· Oct. 26, 2018
And if the foundation itself is old, crackled and somewhere even bricks fall out, will the strengthening of your technology help?
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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 26, 2018
This question will answer the instrumental examination of the foundation for the state of its condition and its bearing capacity.Visually "not beautiful" foundation may well even continue to perform its functions.Only examination and calculations can respond to your question in exactly your case.
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Troshina Nadezhda· Dec. 27, 2020
Is it possible to calculate the cost of repairing in the future if you currently do nothing?
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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 27, 2020
In general, the dynamics of damage development even at the current time of technology development is an element of uncertainty due to many factors on this influencing in real time.However, if you collect big statistics from the practice of Groundtek around the world, the cost of repair is not rainbar with the development of damage
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Savin Matvej· Nov. 25, 2019
Is it possible to form conditionally piles in this way?
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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Nov. 25, 2019
Yes, there are two approaches in this matter.You can form polymer columns or directly piles built into the foundation.Everything is determined by the terms of the project and the tasks facing engineers
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Shuvalova Oksana· Oct. 25, 2021
Good afternoon.
Tell me, and if the crack appeared a few years ago and no longer increases, you need to do something or you can leave as it is!?
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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 25, 2021
It is necessary at least to find out the status of the current situation, that is, to conduct a survey and determine the possible potential of the threat.After that, you can make a weighted solution.
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Goncharova Galina· Nov. 28, 2018
How can I control how many kilograms of geopolifer did you download in problem areas?
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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Nov. 28, 2018
In a mobile workshop with the equipment, the counter in a natural way, the counter, which you can always determine the amount of injected material
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Dement'ev Aleksandr· Dec. 27, 2021
How to calculate the price and how much material is necessary for our house?
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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 27, 2021
For this, it is necessary to conduct a survey and collect quantitative data at your home and its foundation.After processing the data, engineers will calculate the project parameters
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Kazantsev Vitalij· Oct. 28, 2017
What kind of sediment can be critical if in numbers?
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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 28, 2017
The question is what is "critical"?Any destruction is dangerous.If the "criticality" is a threat of vital activity, that is, building standards that indicate the pre-emergency and emergency condition of building structures.But for many users, the process of starting destruction itself can mean "criticality"
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Poljakova Alla· Nov. 27, 2019
So where can I find out the norms of precipitate?
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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Nov. 27, 2019
Such norms should calculate engineers of geotechnics (designers) on the data obtained on the construction of the building and the composition of the foundation
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Muratov Jaroslav· Dec. 26, 2020
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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 26, 2020
Is there any mistake here?
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Surkova Marija· Nov. 27, 2017
Traditional way he is not only one to embed the fifth ...
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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Nov. 27, 2017
The term "traditional" here describes the general "grandfather" approach, very common in everyday life.Of course, technologies for solving such issues more than 1
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