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Methods of alignment of foundations of houses on the natural basis

The rise of the foundation of a wooden house may be required by both old buildings and relatively new, if errors were made when they are erected or design. When designing a foundation, it is worth considering the mass of the nuances: from the composition of the soils, to the depth of groundwater and the level of the mainland. If you do not consider at least one nuance or make a mistake in construction, for example, make one side of the foundation a little thinner, then such a design will be subject to destruction or skewers. In order not to bring the house before the emergency condition, it is under the first problems with the foundation, to determine the reason for their occurrence, and get rid of it as soon as possible.

Often, when problems with the foundation have to increase the foundation of the jack.In this case, the jack raise the house, and repair or fully replacing the foundation.For this use specialized jacks that can withstand a large weight over a long time.The choice of jack depends on the weight of the house, which consists of:

  • Общий вес здания (стены, перекрытия, перегородки и кровля).

  • Вес приборов внутри дома и коммуникации, которые нет возможности убрать на период проведения работ.

  • К полученному весу стоит придавить 30%, так как домкрат не должен работать на пределе своих возможностей.

  • Ну и не стоит забывать, что домкрат надо во что-то надёжное упереть.

The rise of the house without foundation is a rather complicated procedure that requires a large amount of time and specialized equipment.In addition, at the time of the rise, the house cannot be located, because it costs to release it as much as possible: make the furniture, disconnect the existing electrical appliances and equipment.


Alignment of the foundation with a solution

This type of leveling is most often used in cases where the deviations of the foundation from the norm is completely insignificant or when it is necessary to align the outer walls and the upper part before the construction of the walls.Very often, with the help of the solution, the foundation is aligned along the horizon.Also alignment is performed before laying a rubberoid or tilting type insulation.The alignment with the solution is not used when the deviation exceeds 30 centimeters.

Technology Aligning the foundation with a solution consists of several stages, including:

  • Очистка поверхности.

  • Возведение опалубки и нанесение отметок.

  • Заливка раствором. Если перекосы незначительные, то заливают более жидкий раствор, а если требуется привести к норме большое отклонение, то более густым.

  • Застывание раствора (время зависит от количества раствора, но даже самый маленький слой стынет в течении 2-3 дней).

  • Снятие опалубки.

Often it is often required to align the foundation by the horizon after the fill, since the surface of the foundation after the fill is rarely performed perfectly smooth.

Alignment of the foundation Brick

Using this method, there are connections and large high-altitude differences.This method is considered one of the cheapest and practical, but when it is used, it is worthwhile to be patient, because the process is far from fast and requires a significant number of work on the plot.As with the use of the solution, they will have to raise the house, pulling out furniture and equipment from it, as well as produce earthworks on the site.

Often, when using bricks, hydrorette is used.Alignment of the foundation of the hydroelectory, although an effective, but outdated way, which we do not advise apply.

Alignment of the foundation by geopolymer injecting Граундтек.

Alignment of the foundation with modern technology Граундтек is the most profitable and fast way today.First, using this technology, it is not necessary to raise the house and produce earthworks, which will ensure cleanliness on the site and removes the need to release the house from furniture and technology.Secondly, all the work is made within 2-3 days, during which the house can be operated as before.

Alignment of the foundation using technology Граундтек is produced in several stages:

  • На основании данных обследования разрабатывается проект восстановительных работ.

  • Производится точечное введение геополимеров под фундамент. Для этого бурятся небольшие отверстия, диаметром 12-16 мм, через которые в грунт или пустоты закачивается геополимер.

  • Геополимер взрывообразно расширяется в течении всего нескольких секунд, поднимая здание на необходимый уровень. Все работы тщательно контролируются, а их точность составляет 0,5 мм.

pluses of using technology Граундтек are:

  • Отсутствует необходимость проведения земляных работ.

  • Работы можно производить в любую погоду.

  • Во время проведения работ не возникает шума, который может мешать соседят или спящим детям.

  • Не требуется приостанавливать работу здания, что очень важно для коммерческих построек.

  • Материал Граундтек сохраняет свои качества на протяжении более 50 лет, а на все работы даётся гарантия в 5 лет.

  • Материал Граундтек полностью безопасен для человека и окружающей среды. Он не вступает в контакт с водой и не влияет на экологию.

As you can see, the most effective way to quickly restore the ideal position of the foundation is to use Граундтек technology. During the work, you will not have to travel from home and transport the family to familiar, as often happens in the first two cases of restoration: solution and brick.There will also be no need to remove the site after earthworks.In order to get detailed advice on technology or order an object examination - Call!

Published: Feb. 26, 2019 by author Groundtek

23 сomments


Filimonova Anastasija· Oct. 28, 2019

I have a 2-storey brick house will be able to align, overcast 40mm

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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 28, 2019

Theoretically, yes, it is possible, but for a practical response, it is necessary to conduct a survey of the foundation of the house and inspect the supporting structures.If these factors allow and the house will be able to perceive the rise, it is real and achievable.


Rumjantsev Aleksandr· Oct. 26, 2020

Some one-sided article, comes out?What an effective alternative is that no ... either archaic or groundtek ...

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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 26, 2020

In fact, it is: when building "do-it-yourself" the fundamental reasons for the formation of making awards of buildings and structures cannot lift eliminated if not at the stage of design and surveys of the site.Therefore, to align "with your own hands" the foundation that is already flooded or embodied is difficult and not guaranteed.


Ovsjannikov Dmitrij· Feb. 26, 2019

In the text there are a lot of spelling errors and shortcomings, for example, a solution tooling, you need to adjust.

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Feb. 26, 2019

Thank you for your vigilance.Adjustments made.


Ljubimov Matvej· Sept. 28, 2019

So as a result, more efficiently and economically reasonable: concrete, piles or still your polymer ???

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Sept. 28, 2019

This can only say a survey and achieve a solution with analysis and protection.Imagination has its drawbacks in terms of the accuracy of its relationship with reality.All technologies have a place to be, and already economic efficiency is determined after the development of solution options.


Nikiforova Nadezhda· April 26, 2019

Aligning a brick-cheap way, but you write that grained geopolymers is the most favorable way.So grained even cheaper?

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) April 26, 2019

Such a comparison is not entirely correct.Alignment brick does not eliminate the causes of drawdown, it is rather an attempt to deal with the investigation.This struggle is not productive in its essence.Therefore, the comparison is not appropriate here.


Davydova Anastasija· July 27, 2019

And if the house is not just sat down, and it twisted it?On the one hand above, on the other below.Is there a way to deal with such a phenomenon?

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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) July 27, 2019

Of course have.Questions of lifting and leveling of structures are those questions that solve only injective technologies.And more experienced contractors more experienced in this matter, rather than GroundTek, you will be hardy to find if we talk about world experience and expertise.


Fedotov Boris· Aug. 27, 2021

Something did not quite understand ... Brick, level ... These are alignment methods with direct construction ... Or do I confuse something?

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Aug. 27, 2021

That's right.During construction, there is still a chance to fix something with your own hands ... Later, such possibilities are not invasive (except GroundTek) will not.Only Grandtek solves such questions without interfering with the work of the structure.


Sviridov Ivan· Oct. 27, 2020

If the base of the house, the ribbon foundation, and not a stove, such a house can also be aligned?

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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 27, 2020

In the general case, yes, but taking into account that every building, like every person, lives his life in its terms, then only the examination will give a reasonable answer.


Shevtsova Anzhelika· March 26, 2020

Where to get acquainted in more detail with the chemical composition of the materials used?

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) March 26, 2020

Not very clearly understood?Can you specify more?What does it mean to get acquainted?


Rudakov Dmitrij· Dec. 26, 2021

The technology is really unique, but due to the fact that it is unique, and you are monopolists in the Russian market, it seems to me soon competitors will appear.

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 26, 2021

There are always competitors.The main thing to understand that for you there is a solution and which criteria for choosing for you defining.We are not supporters of the decision approach for the sake of decision.


Degtjareva Tamara· Feb. 27, 2019

For apartment buildings technology applicable?

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Feb. 27, 2019

In general, yes, but in particular, it is necessary to understand the task and conduct a survey.


Snegirev Anatolij· Aug. 28, 2019

And you too can you align such technology?

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Aug. 28, 2019

In general, yes, but specialization in concrete roads.Where there are slaughter structures.But the asphalt coating can be improved.


Terehova Tamara· June 26, 2019

It seems to me that there is a fundamental difference in the approaches of grained and the grandfathers in this article.Don't really cost in essence

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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) June 26, 2019

Yes, that is right.In this case, the traditional approach is to take errors or troubles that have already happened and act in the new veneer.In this case, grained in this case proposes initially correct the whole situation and bring it to initially faithful specifications.


Troitskaja Olesja· Oct. 28, 2021

But if with the help of concrete, it is possible to make the same types of work as shown in your rollers?Strengthen the soils, let's say, you can ... But to raise the building ... This is what pressure needs to be created to make a rise!?

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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 28, 2021

In this you are right, with the rise there is a big problem when working with cement.For this task, it is necessary to make a combination of jacks and cement ... And in practice, in real conditions it is difficult to do up to "impossible"


a Milana· Sept. 26, 2019

What is the maximum amount of lifting recorded in the technology of grained or in the Russian Federation as a whole?

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Sept. 26, 2019

If in the Russian Federation, then the rise was recorded in the amount of 15 cm


Romanova Milana· March 26, 2020

And in frosts inject?

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) March 26, 2020

It all depends on the challenge.There are tasks that are not solved in the cold time due to the fact that the work area is in the changed state.If the necessary work area is below the level of freezing, then there are no obstacles to


Zubova Natalija· Nov. 28, 2020

Are there any certificates for your material that can confirm that it is environmentally safe?

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Nov. 28, 2020

There are protocols and certificates from Europe, Russia and Belarus.If necessary, please contact the head office


Zolotarev Vitalij· Dec. 27, 2021

What are your dimensions from your equipment?Clear use as concrete pump?Plot do not spoil?

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 27, 2021

The entire complex is placed in a car bung Category S. Cleanliness - a mandatory requirement for the implementation of the Gradectk project.The state of improvement before and after the work is not different from each other.


Bazhenov Aleksandr· March 28, 2020

And jack for what is capable of?Only a wooden house to raise?

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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) March 28, 2020

Not necessary.In the general practical sense, the case is not in the jack, but in the fact that it is dug, so that the support is reliable, because the jack collects part of the load and focuses them into a point, repeatedly increasing pressure on the base.Because the question is rather not about the jack, but about the foundation of the jack


Timofeev Dmitrij· March 26, 2021

Is there a chance that the design itself stabilizes?Is it possible to learn and predict your examination?

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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) March 26, 2021

Yes it is possible.Costdown potential is determined through the study of the foundation.


Kukushkina Alena· March 27, 2019

Please tell me how to understand cracks on the walls is the problems with the foundation?Or they are not related to him?

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) March 27, 2019

To do this, you need to conduct an instrumental examination of the base and carrier structures.


Jashin Vitalij· April 26, 2019

Do you put in construction?When the foundation went crookedly?

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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) April 26, 2019

The question is not very clear.If you meant help during construction, then it is possible, but it is not economically appropriate.It is necessary to build right away right away :) This is the cheapest way :)


Mihajlov Mihail· July 27, 2021

And what if the house is standing on blocks and the plug is not at all?

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) July 27, 2021

Like it's sad, but you will have to make a full foundation, only this guarantees a long service life of your structure.