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Type, size and location of cracks Important to take into account when determining the cause of the problem

Not all cracks are the same.Type, size and location of cracks It is important to consider when determining the cause of the problem, as well as to address the solution to solve the problem.

Similarly, the assessment of the success of the recovery project is based on a combination of advantages, deficiencies and risks of instant and pending.

Different types of cracks on the walls:

The most common types of cracks in the walls are:

- Internal cracks, striking plasterboard, plaster, brickwork or monolith

- external cracks in the brick (and any other stone) masonry, monolith or on the plaster of the outer walls

If the cracks on the walls suddenly appeared in your home (not to be confused with a sudden detection, because you could simply not pay attention for a long time), then they can be a symptom of a deeper constructive problem.

Smaller hair-type cracks are quite common in the walls and usually do not cause concern from the owners of the property.Larger cracks that begin on the windows, doorways or corners of buildings may indicate that the foundation of the building failed, she asked or lost strength, as a result of which all or part of the building suffer drawdown.

Pay attention to whether a crack is disclosed or not, horizontal or vertical, zigzag, stepped (for example, in a brickwork) or follows the lines of joints in nodes. If the crack is at least one place in everybody with its length of 5 mm or wider, or you noticed the full separation in the design of the node (in solution or cement between bricks), it is recommended to seek professional advice. In other cases, you should not leave the manifestations of destruction without attention, and in any case to make a plan of observation, and inspection of the structure at least 1 time per month with fixation state of structures at the time of inspection.

Recovery Process:

After the main reason was defined as a sedimentation (drawdown) or reduced bearing capacity, you should always consider several solutions.In this set, traditional methods of strengthening or non-invasive method of injection, which is much more prompt and gentle with a more cost-effective result.

The injections of the Граундтек resin are designed to be applicable locally in precisely defined drawdown zones and the weakness of the base under construction. Using a process similar to surgery, the method increases the carrying capacity of the soil and levels the building with high accuracy. Whether the cracks are completely closed or not, depends on the direction of the crack and the state of the base under your home. That is, the main question is whether the design is capable of perceiving the strength of alignment? In the overwhelming majority of cases, houses and designs can be aligned during the day using technologies Граундтек, and the process itself is rigidly controlled by constant control using laser levels to ensure accuracy.

Cheap way to organize observation:

In everyday life for observation of the behavior of structures, in addition to professional lighthouses, a special indicator is applied - a tape that is attached to significant cracks in the wall. This visual indicator is one of many measurement methods that technical specialists are used to carefully monitor changes throughout the controlled recovery or observation process. Even for the untrained eye, it is possible to detect the visible movement or deformation of the tape due to the movement or deformation of the structural parts on which it was applied. The tape can also show how the design moves in response to restoring the level of the foundation, including the direction and degree of lifting.

However, it is necessary to understand that the tape is very sensitive to external environmental conditions.Humidity, external effects and temperature differences can disrupt the mount and distort objective information.To achieve the best long-term results after restoration work, Граундтек recommends organizing the geodesic monitoring of the building status and regular inspection of nodes and structures.

Published: Oct. 31, 2019 by author Groundtek

20 сomments


Kurochkina Alla· Nov. 28, 2019

And after the work on strengthening the foundation, what to do with cracks and do you need something to do with them?

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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Nov. 28, 2019

We recommend a crack strengthening to preemptively close the collapsed design.Methods are different, but we consider the tested and reliable and we use the enhancement of special twisted reinforcement.After such treatment, we are ready to guarantee work up to 50 years.


Gubanov Ivan· Oct. 28, 2020

I think the article needs to add a description of the varieties of cracks, that is, horizontal - description;Vertical - description;Diagonal - Description.I suppose will be more informative.

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 28, 2020

Thank you for refinery.We take into account your wishes and place the corresponding material in our technoblog soon.


Tokareva Olesja· Dec. 27, 2020

HZ, we have a house 70s, still a father built, from the first day the arrangement went crackers, all my life grabbed, but until it fell))

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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 27, 2020

It is wonderful that there is no serious consequences.But still we would recommend to conduct a survey of structures and foundations.The cunningness of the drawdown is that it proceeds very often not linearly ... and smooth development is replaced by a sharp change in the situation.


Chernov Georgij· Nov. 28, 2019

If the cracks appeared during the construction of works, after your work when you can make repairs, not afraid that cracks will appear again?

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Nov. 28, 2019

If the recommended decision is implemented, then yes.We give a guarantee and you can safely continue finishing repairs.


Postnikov Boris· Dec. 27, 2020

What lighthouses should be used?I think just "mack" the plaster will not ride ...

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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 27, 2020

This must be at least 2-D beacons, fixing movements in two directions with a scale of measuring these displacements.Lighthouses are simply fixing "microwork" is not enough to fully track the behavior of the designs.


Filimonov Georgij· Dec. 28, 2020

If the crack goes diagonally along the wall, but very thin, whether it is worth worrying.Maybe wait until it is more noticeable and then to do any action!?

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 28, 2020

You like the owner or the user to decide when this crash will be a threat to calm or wallet.We can examine the building and evaluate the scenarios and the risks of the development of the future situation.


Kozlovskij Ivan· Dec. 27, 2021

But there is also various slips and GOSTs, in which if I am not mistaken by the development of cracks of more than 3 mm on disclosure, is already quite a critical fact.

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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 27, 2021

All this data is not unambiguous ... The crack and 1 mm can be a threat.We must first understand its nature and reason before giving a forecast for its development and risks.


Kolesov Anatolij· Dec. 27, 2021

Photos do your experts can determine the cause of the crack?

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 27, 2021

On the photo to diagnose is not possible, but to make aimed suggestion - it is possible to save your time when an object audit


Kondratov Miron· Oct. 28, 2019

Always thought that the cracks on the house were harmless ... and it turns out to be collapsed.Can lead ... How to determine which cracks are danger?

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 28, 2019

Those that have a dynamics or more than 1 mm.But this is from our practice.Diagnosis can only be the survey of specialists


Stepanova Galina· Oct. 28, 2019

Do you conclusion about the causes of cracks?

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 28, 2019

We compile a technical report on the state of the foundation with the fixation of possible causes of cracks and recommendations


Belousova Milana· Nov. 27, 2020

In the comments I read about vituo fittings, which is where to find information?

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Aleksandr Sinchenko (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Nov. 27, 2020

This is a new brand of non-territory of the Russian Federation, which will soon be published and advanced in the market by our parters.


Kozhevnikov Dmitrij· Oct. 27, 2019

Are there any clear criteria for the danger of cracks and development forecast?

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 27, 2019

There are no clear criteria, unfortunately, no ... cracks are just one of the manifestations of the problem, that is, the consequence.Reasons This is an indication of what we must look for the cause of destruction and assessing it, you will answer questions about the danger and trends in the development of problems


Bondarev Jaroslav· Dec. 27, 2020

How is the crack on finishing or in the supporting design by your experts, do you extend cracks?

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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 27, 2020

It all depends on the size of the cracks.The answer is clear about large through cracks.Small cracks can be examined by the extender for 100% diagnostics.Modern ultrasound or radar devices are used in more gentle methods.


Dmitriev Artem· Oct. 27, 2021

How to determine whether the crack is hazard in the future, or is it just a crack on the wall decoration?

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 27, 2021

To do this, it is necessary to investigate the object for the reasons for the formation of cracks and the exclusion method to determine the most likely


Loginova Alena· Oct. 27, 2021

Is it necessary to panic when the cushion is appeared from the floor on the wall from the outdoor side?

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 27, 2021

You should never panic, but to organize observation and fix the dynamics is definitely.But in order not to wait for surprises to organize the minimum necessary examination for understanding the current state and prospects


Vavilova Olesja· Dec. 28, 2021

Hello, I have a lot of small cracks on the outer finish ,, no cracks inside the house.What does this mean?

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Dec. 28, 2021

Nothing serious from your words ... In any case, it is worth knocked down and update the finishing layer, and at the same time inspect the carrying structure itself and then try to conclude


Aleshin Miron· Oct. 28, 2019

And what lighthouses can you trust and from what to lose your head?

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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 28, 2019

It is better to use all rigidly fixed 3D lighthouses.They are more expensive than gypsum or cement on the soldier, but this is an unambiguous source of truthful information about what is happening with the designs.


Cherepanova Alena· Oct. 28, 2019

What cracks are considered dangerous and how to understand it?

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Aleksandr Efimchik (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 28, 2019

Cracks that develop or have time speakers.Therefore, professional observation or survey can give you an answer.


Sal'nikov Artem· Nov. 27, 2021

Now write about the cheap way to organize observation.What about the cheap solution?:)))

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Aleksej Karpovich (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Nov. 27, 2021

Everything is relative.But we can say that any decision will be more than 0 ...


Ignatova Alena· Oct. 28, 2020

Good day!Cracks went around the house.But November ... It is necessary to wait until spring to eliminate or determine the cause of the crack?

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Evgenij Novitskij (inzhener GROUNDTEK) Oct. 28, 2020

It is better to solve the question earlier to strong frosts than suffered from them ...

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